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"You call the shots babe,
I just wanna be yours"

Louisa Crawford

I almost pull back when Max hesitates, his body still as stone beside me. But before I can pull away, his hands rush into my hair, messing it up the straighten look as he pulls me impossibly close.

His lips were a scorching brand on my own, utterly consuming. His other hand not dived into my hair, stretched around my waist- molding my body against his.

An aroused whimper slipped free as I opened eagerly to his exploring tongue, fisting my hands in his hair. Our kiss quickly turned rapacious, all teeth and desperation. Max let out a guttural groan that I felt in my very core.

My lungs begged for oxygen but I could barely pull away. The feverish kiss made my legs weak and wobbly, my heart almost exploded in my chest from its rapid movement.

Max was the one to break away, gasping and resting his forehead against mine. "God, Louisa..." His voice was wrecked, pupils blown wide. "I've wanted this for so long..."

"We need to get out of here," i rasped, my eyes looking up to his. His eyes follow my lips before he looked up to me and nodded quickly.

I grabbed his hand quickly, the desire overriding my body as I pulled him through the crowd.

Thankfully max hadn't really drank anything, so while he drove us back to my hotel- as if was closer- I let myself become distracted by him.

Unlike the car ride to the club, his hand was high up on my thigh. His palm warmed the skin but it didn't go much further, only going a little bit past my dress.

My hand held onto his arm, as if it was the only thing keeping me from slipping into a dark abyss.

The ride back passed in a blur of stolen kisses and heated caresses in the darkness of Max's car. Every red light left my lips swallow and my heart drumming wildly in my chest.

As soon as we tumbled through my door, I pushed Max against the wall, kissing him with reckless abandon. Every bit of self control was slipping through my fingertips like grains of sand.

But then a nagging tendril of doubt stopped me from going any further. I broke away, chests heaving.

"Max, wait..." I panted. My hand goes to his chest and I feel the muscles tense underneath, he steps back with eyes full of concern.

His hand came up to cup my cheek, his eyes searching mine as I tried to gather words that would make sense.

"If we go through with this, there's no going back to just being friends. I need to know you won't think this is a mistake."

His eyes smoldered with naked longing as he cupped my jaw tenderly, his thumb moving across my bottom lip before he leaned in. He placed a tender and soft kiss, slowly and almost innocently before he pulled back again. "Louisa, I've wanted this for so long. You're all I want, however I can have you."

That was all the reassurance I needed before crashing my lips back to Max's in a passionate fury.

We moved as our lips molded together, air became overrated.

Max's legs hit the bed first, he sat back and pulled me on top of him. My thighs went on either side of his lap as his hands found my hips. My shit still clung to the strands of dark blonde hair, even as we finally pulled apart. Our breathing rapid.

He held my burning gaze as his palms travel up my back, leaving trails of fire as he found the zipper to my dress.

In one swift motion, the dress became limp around my body. And max delicately, as if I was fragile, trailed his fingertips down my spine- pulling the material down further.

In the same quiet intimacy, my hands pulled his shirt up. Tracing the lines of muscles as I pulled the material up and over his head to then discarded it.

For a second our eyes meet again, his blue eyes swarmed with a thousand emotions I could understand but not describe. It was like a secret message was being passed between us, and without a sound we both understood it.

My mind still tried to cast warning bells but the bells halted when he leaned up to catch my lips again in an intoxicating dance.

Things I Can't Say ~ MV1Where stories live. Discover now