Chapter I

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One week later and Ryan is head over heels for the man that he just met. He thinks about him twenty-four seven and can never wait to see him again when they depart.

However, when they are apart, Sebastian sends handwritten letters to him whenever he can. The letters are how wonderfully, amazing Ryan is and how lucky he is to be with him.

Ryan lies on his bed and reads one of his beloveds letters. He's already read it over a hundred times and the more he reads them, he falls deeper in love.

My Dearest, Ryan

In the short span of a week, my heart has become enraptured by your presence. You are the very essence of my being, the breath that fills my lungs. The moments we've shared have ignited a fire within me, swelling my heart with joy. I find myself entranced by the depths of your eyes, lost in their earthly allure. Your lips, so soft and pink, beckon me closer with each passing moment. When our hands intertwine, my stomach flutters with anticipation, and your laughter sends warmth rushing to my cheeks. Your smile, radiant and captivating, fills my thoughts and consumes my every waking moment. I am not merely fond of you; I am utterly consumed by you. Like a spell cast by the Prince of Aetherlyn himself, you have captured my heart and turned my world upside down, yet I wouldn't have it any other way. Until we meet again, I shall hold you close in my dreams, longing for the day when we can be together once more.

Forever yours,

With a bashful grin, Ryan's cheeks flush as he shields his face behind the parchment, a secret smile playing upon his lips.

His excitement bubbles over, prompting him to kick his legs in a joyous display. He sits upright, rereading Sebastian's heartfelt words once more.

He cannot believe that just a week ago he was merely people watching, wondering what it's like to be with someone and now he has found someone whom he wants to marry.

Engrossed in Sebastian's letter, Ryan is startled by a sudden knock at his door. His head snaps up, eyes wide with surprise, and he sits upright with a start. "Y-yes?" he stammers, his voice betraying a hint of panic.

"Ryan, it's Grace and Ava. Can you let us in, please?" Grace's familiar voice calls out from the other side of the door, soothing his nerves somewhat.

Ryan stands up then looks at his letter then runs over to roll it up and wrapped in a ribbon. He chucks it into his drawer and closes it and hurriedly walks to his door and opens it.

"Hi," Ryan starts with a smile but then immediately drops it "What do you two want?"

"Brother," Grace starts "We must ask-" she immediately gets interrupted by Ava.

"Where have you been sneaking off to throughout the week?" Ava crosses her arms and stares at him with a furrow brow.

Ryan's eyebrows knit together in confusion, and he tilts his head slightly. "Whatever are you talking about?" he fakes innocence, playing dumb in hopes of deflecting their curiosity.

Grace also crosses her arms and sighs in frustration "Ryan, you know what we are talking about. Everyday, a quarter past eleven, you are nowhere to be found in the castle."

"Then, like clockwork, you waltz back in an hour later, as if you've been here the whole time!" Ava's voice rises in agitation, her words laced with accusation as she accuses Ryan of his action.

Ryan sits his head upright and crosses his arms "You guys believe I am doing something I am not? You do understand how big this castle is right?"

Ava points a finger towards him "Do not gaslight us! We know you've been sneaking out the castle and going somewhere. Where are you going?"

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