Chapter II

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The next morning, Oliver was with his mom at their shop and Sebastian was nowhere to be found.

Oliver groans "Where is Sebastian? He's suppose to be here helping us stock up and we open in ten minutes!"

His mom comes and places down a box in front of the window "Oliver dear don't worry too much, I'm sure he'll be here soon. Like you said, he has ten minutes to get here." She smiles and walks to the door to get into the shop.

Oliver crossed his arms over his chest and sighs heavily. He would love to just wait for his brother but they open soon and they have already been waiting for twenty-five minutes and he was not going to wait anymore.

"I'm sorry mom but I need to go find Sebastian." He walks out the shop and sped down the market place.

"Oliver, wait!" His mom called out but Oliver couldn't hear her. She sighs and holds her head and turned back around to finish stocking.

Oliver walked around the market looking for his brother. When he couldn't find him, he heads towards the town to see if he could find him there.

When he reaches the town, he scans the scene to find Sebastian. He looked at the fountain in the middle of the town, the trees on the sides, even some of the houses on the block. Alas, he could not find him.

"Ugh!" He groans and he turns around to head back to his mom.

He had his head down mumbling to himself. "Sebastian we have a job and you not showing up is so-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he bumps into a man walking in his direction.

Oliver shakes his head and looks at the man. "I am so sorry. I was not paying any attention." Oliver placed his hands together as a plea for forgiveness.

The man smiles and laughs lightly. "No, you're okay. I wasn't watching where I was going either." He shrugs.

Oliver smiles "Okay, thank you."

They stand for a moment because the man was squinting his eyes as he analyzed Oliver. Oliver smiles awkwardly and looks to the sides of him. "Is...there something wrong?"

The man shakes his head "No, no there isn't but um..." he points to Oliver "Do you...have a shop in the market place?"

Oliver smiles "Yes I do! I run it with my mom and my little brother."

The man nods "Ahh yes that is why you look familiar. I've seen you before when I head down there with my dad."

Oliver blushes while still smiling "Oh, well why haven't you stop by and purchased something from us?"

The man sighs "Because most of the time we aren't going to buy fancy jewels and such. Well, that is what my dad tells me."

Oliver giggles and the man smiles. Oliver then clears his throat and puts out his hand. "I'm sorry where are my manners? I'm Oliver."

The man puts out his hand and shakes Oliver's "Regie."

Then, a man calls out for Regie. "Reginald, come on, it's time to go!"

Regie sighs and rolls his eyes and Oliver makes a confused face. "Um..who is that? And why did he call you "Reginald." Oliver ask, his curiosity piqued.

Regie rubs his eyes and groans "Because that's my full name but I hate it so I go by "Regie." And that man is my dad."

"Ohh," Oliver expresses "I got it. Well, I will let you go Regie."

Regie smiles "Thank you. And I promise to stop by your shop whenever I can." He winks as he walks off over to his dad.

Oliver becomes flustered and feels a tingle in his stomach and hold it. "What is this feeling?" He thinks to himself. He shakes it off and walks back to the market place.

Reckless Hearts | Sebryan Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora