Ive Got An Angel

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December 15th, 1988

Karen's POV

Karen took big, deep breaths as she sat in her seat, trying to control her tears. If 1988 had taught her anything, it was that just because something seemed impossible, that doesn't mean it actually is.

Bishop Patterson: Praise the Lord! My God, what a beautiful song from a beautiful choir! Amen?!

Everyone: Amen!

Bishop: Amen. Now, I want to start off by saying how much I'm personally going to miss Dr.Clark, but I take such a thrill in knowing she's with her king!

Random Man: Hallelujah!

Bishop Patterson: Dr.Clark was a faithful servant of the Lord! For Psalm 116:15 says, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." While we are sitting here crying, the Lord is rejoicing; one of his most precious daughters has finally arrived home!

Karen looked to her left, seeing Jacky crying on Glynn's shoulder, and Denise was doing the same to her husband, Darell. Twinkie and John (her new fiancé) were sitting immediately to the right. And though she tired her best not too, Karen noticed Dorinda sitting next to Gregory in the pew behind them. Doe was visibly shaking and holding her sleeping baby tightly in her lap as she wept.

Leo: Don't focus on her.

Karen felt her big brother lock his hand in hers, pulling her attention forward.

Karen: I don't even know why she came.

Leo: It's Mama's funeral; come on, you knew she'd be here.

Karen: Whatever.

The service continued on as the bishop gave a great sermon, followed by more singing from the choir. As the funeral was coming to an end, Bishop Patterson called Jacky up to the mic to speak on behalf of the family, but she was so overwhelmed that Leo took her place instead. He shared memories and lessons of childhood and how being the only boy was tough, but Mama always told him there was a reason that God made it that way.

Leo: So, again, on behalf of my sisters, family and myself, we'd like to sincerely thank you all for your prayers, love, and support during this difficult time, God bless you.

The audience clapped as Leo took his seat. Karen looked straight ahead at her mother's casket, trying to think of her own childhood memories, but it was impossible. All she could think about was the moment Mattie took her last breath in the hospital, how exhausted the woman looked, and how the pain made her voice so weak she could barely open her eyes or even speak. It all seemed to happen so fast, yet so slow at the same time.

Five hours later

Nobody's POV

After what seemed like forever, the funeral was finally over. Everyone had left, and only Mattie's six children remained in the family home. Leo was collecting each of his sisters, trying to get them to go upstairs and talk.

Leo: Please?

Denise: No, I don't want to talk right now; I'm about to go home. I'm tired.

Twinkie: Niecy He just wants all of us to have a moment. Come on.

Leo: Jacky and Karen are already there; I just need you and Doe.

Denise: Oh hell no, now I'm definitely not going up there.

Leo: Lord, can y'all just let that go for a damn day? It's Mama's funeral; I'm the oldest, and I'm telling all of you to come upstairs so we can have a conversation.

Denise sucked her teeth but still followed Twinkie up the steps. Leo sighed, making his way around the house to find the last sister on his list. He opened the back door to find Dorinda standing on the porch, rubbing her belly.

Leo: How's the baby feeling?

She quickly turned around, obviously startled by her brother's presence.

Dorinda: Jeez, you scared me.

Leo: Sorry. You alright?

Dorinda: Yeah, just getting some air. I just, I really can't believe she's gone.

Leo: Me either. But for you, it's life, right?

Dorinda: Apparently so.

Leo: Come on, let's go upstairs.

Dorinda: Why?

Leo: We've all got to talk.

Dorinda: I've got to get home to my kids; Greg has to work in the morning.

Leo: Doe, it's important; Mama wanted me to do this.

Dorinda: Ugh, fine, but the minute they start their shit, I'm leaving, not putting my baby through more stress today.

Leo: Okay.

The brother and sister made their way upstairs to their mother's bedroom. Karen and Twinkie together sat on the bed, while Jacky and Denise shared the small sofa in the corner. Dorinda sat at the vanity, and Leo stood against the room door.

Jacky: So what do you want to talk about, Leo?

Karen: Right, and why does she have to be here?

Leo: Because she's our sister.

Denise: By blood and blood only. She's got no love or loyalty for any of us.

Leo: Look, this isn't about any of that.

Leo was visibly irritated. His mother left him very clear instructions more than a decade ago, and he made her a promise that he'd follow through to a tee.

Leo: Now, just be quiet for a second, all of you.

The man walked over to his mom's closet, where he grabbed a box from way in the back before taking out multiple envelopes, handing them to his sisters, and retaking his spot at the door.

Denise: What are these?

Leo: Mama wants us to read them in front of each other.

Karen: That's dumb.

Denise: Very.

Leo: Mama did it like this for a reason. You know how she was.

Denise: I'm not reading anything in front of her.

Denise pointed at Dorinda.

Leo: You will, because mama said so.

Denise: Well, mama's not here, so no, I don't.

Twinkie: Sis, just listen to him.

Leo: Thank you, Twink. Okay, now come on.

Karen opened her envelope and shouted.

Karen: To...Dorinda? Leo, is this some sort of joke?!

Leo: No, that's the way Ma wanted it. You and Doe read to each other; Twinkie and Denise read to each other; and Jacky and I read to each other.

All the sisters except Dorinda (who still hadn't said a word) frowned or made a comment. But Leo persisted, so they continued.

Karen: Fine.

Leo: Alright, I'll start. This first letter she left is to all of us: "My babies, It breaks my heart to even begin writing this letter to you. Right now, it is not fear of dying that causes me pain, because I know I'm going to meet the King. It's the thought of leaving behind my babies that hurts. I cannot tell you how much I will miss you all, but I want you to know that my love for you will never diminish. I know it will be hard for you to continue without me, but remember that my spirit will always be with you. You have all grown up into wonderful individuals, and it has been an honor to be your mother. Although I won't be physically present for some of your future moments and milestones, I will always be with you in spirit. If you give me nothing else, please hang on to each other. Be there for one another, and always make time. No matter what happens, no matter who does what, please always find your way back to your siblings. Never turn them away, and never let them fall. And if they do fall, make sure your hands are the first ones they see when they need a boost to get up. Leo, I love you; Jaqueline, I love you; Denise, I love you; Elbernita, I love you; Dorinda, I love you; and Karen, I love you, always."

Jacky: Wow.

The siblings continued and eventually found themselves laughing and crying at the same time. Mattie's letters were beautiful and filled with loving words as well as encouragement. She first wrote the letters back in '78, but God blessed her with two fully lucid days while she was in hospice, so she rewrote them. And yes, the idea of them reading to one another seemed stupid at first, but it really was a good thing. Leo and Jacky were the oldest, and things needed to be said only by them to each other. Denise and Twinkie were the middle children, and Twinkie was the only person who didn't have to proceed with caution when talking to Niecy. It was now Karen's turn to read to Dorinda.

Karen: Dear Dorinda, I hope you're not mad at me, because I'm not mad at you. You're my sweet pea, my Jr., and my knee baby. I love you. You and I had a special bond from the time you were growing in my belly, and in a lot of ways, good and bad, I saw myself in you. I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to be the best at everything, and then, as you got older, I never gave you the opportunity to tell me how you really felt in life. I should've listened. These past few years, you've made horrible, maybe even unforgivable, choices, but you are not a horrible person.

Karen paused as she felt the tears begin to form in her eyes. Twinkie rubbed her thigh, offering some comfort.

Karen: You just lost your way. But I know that somehow you'll find your way back into the light. God gave you a beautiful life, a wonderful man, and beautiful children. Remember that. Please find your way back to that pulpit; but with a clean heart and soul first. You have a gift and an anointing; use it. Just know that no matter what, I'm sending all my love your way. I love you, sweet pea, Mama.

Dorinda tried her best not to cry; it wasn't good for the baby, but she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. She was still angry at her mother; if Mattie hadn't said anything, things would be so different now, but the woman was gone. What could Dorinda do now—kick her mama's grave?

Leo: Doe your turn.

Dorinda was nervous; deep down, she knew her unborn child was most likely the only reason her sisters weren't trying to beat her ass again.

Dorinda: Okay...

Doe opened the letter, taking a quick second to glance over the writing before she spoke.

Dorinda: Dear Karen...

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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