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Third Person POV

Inside the Shnee mansion, Queen Elsa was having a special meeting with Jacques, apparently one of them called a meeting to discuss their contract with business.


Elsa: "Yes it's over Jacques we're done."

Jacques: "You can't just quit! we made contact!"

Elsa: "The contact doesn't matter anymore! Jacques I won't allow my family business to work with someone like you! Who treats Faunus like slaves!"

Elsa turned around and started walking to the door.


Elsa: "Go ahead Jacques I don't care!"

Elsa slams the door behind her as Jacques throws his chair at the wall with rage.
Elsa walked through the hallways of the schnee mansion the only thing she wanted was to never come back here ever again.

???: "Hello Elsa."

Elsa sigh knowing who it was.

Elsa: "Hello Ironwood."

She turned to see ironwood approaching her.

Ironwood: "I heard everything."

Elsa: "Is that so? Well you should know I'm never coming back here again. So we may not see each other again."

Ironwood: "Maybe we still can your majesty."

Elsa: "What do you mean by that ?"

Ironwood: "How about we go on a date tomorrow it'll just be me and you."

Elsa was shocked that ironwood just asked her out on a date but this was something she didn't want.

Elsa: "Sorry Ironwood but I can't..."

Ironwood: "Why not?"

Elsa raised her hand showing a ring on her finger as ironwood eyes opened .

Elsa: "I'm engaged and I'm pregnant."

Ironwood looks like he wasn't to cry but he didn't know that the woman he loved was already engaged to someone else and she was a few weeks pregnant.

Elsa: "I'm sorry ironwood I'm with someone else hopefully we'll see again in the future or maybe not have a good life and goodbye."

Ironwood: "I-I understand."

Elsa walks past Ironwood and he just couldn't believe that someone beat him first. Now Elsa was engaged and pregnant, he dreamed of him asking her to marry him, and them having a family together but it was too late. Now he was never going to see her again.


Over the past few months after Elsa cut off with the Schnee family she's been living her happy life. She got married to her husband and they waited for their child to be born but something horrible happened. Her husband was on a trip overseas, later Elsa's husband died but his body was never found.

Elsa couldn't believe she lost the man she loved was gone nobody knows how he died and where his body was but nobody knows. Luckily her family was still there to support her.

So for the next few months Elsa is living without her husband and getting ready for her child to be born and it happened. Elsa gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that had her hair and his father eyes.

So for the next few weeks Elsa been raising her child that she named YN with the help of her sister Anna and her husband Krisoff they have been raising YN together being a happy family together

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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