
Dr. Harleen Quinzel enjoyed the glow of the sunlight on her skin, when she realized she needed to stay awake so she could finish studying for her exam. Her last one. Then, she would become what she always wanted: a doctor. A psychiatrist to be exact.

She adjusted her glasses and spent the rest of her afternoon studying her flashcards on the sociopath mind with her best friend, Meredith.

"You're going to kill it, Harl", said Meredith, with that big smile of hers on her face.

"Well I sure hope so. I've been studying this field for, like 8 years"

It was already night, Harleen was back in her small loft in downtown Gotham City, and she stared at the ceiling, on her bed, being nervous for the next day. That's it. She will become what she always wanted... She just needed to pass that exam now.

In the dark, a glow sparked by her bedside table. It was her phone that buzzed faintly. She opened it to see what notifications she received, suddenly submerged by this sense of curiosity that she always had. It was from the Gotham Press, that she was subscribed to. The number one article read:


Suddenly, she felt as if her stomach flipped. She was supposed to start her internship there next week. And well, of course she heard of the Joker. He was like a celebrity. Absolutely psycho.

But what scared her the most, is that she wasn't even that much terrified about it. It was that burning curiosity that she was feeling. What she only could think of, is that she will get a chance to know him. She fell asleep on that thought, her phone still in her hand, receiving one by one notifications, of various journals all annoucing the same thing.




It had been only a week in that shithole they call asylum. For him, it was mostly very boring. The guards marked their presence, since they were obliged, but they flinched everytime he made a sudden movement. So, what could he do beside tease them until someone gets the cooties. And he lets out a chilling cackle afterwards.

But he had to admit that he was lonely. The security isolated him extremely. It's like they wanted to make him crazier. And without his phone, he couldn't contact his men, and tell them what to do like the usuals. So, his accomplices had to figure out how to get him out by themselves,  and they were kind of stupid on their own, so the crown prince of crime won't get his hopes up.

He was playing with the plastic knife that he stole from his lunch, laying on the table, humming a bird melody, when one of the guards opened up the door of his cell. Then, a beautiful blond woman, with black glasses and a white doctor coat entered and smiled warmly.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Harleen Quinzel, I'm gonna be ya psychiatrist. Nice to meet ya"




Harleen studied every each of the cell before her eyes. It was a very gloomy and dark place. She noticed that he had written "HAHAHAHA" on the back wall with... his own blood.

Then, she laid her eyes on him, and at first, all she could think was...


Oh God no. No, no, no, no. Why did she think that? It was absolutely wrong. She sighed, and locked eyes with him, until he said something.

"Who sent you here, so I can thank them?", he said, grinning.

" Ya see, I'm in an internship, and since I'm one of tha few that actually wants a job here, they didn't waste any time and sent me here. To study ya. They just want to cure ya", she responded.

" Blah,blah, blah. Ya see, there is nothing to cure, since there is nothing broken. I'm perfect, darling"

She looked annoyed. It was going to be more difficult than she thought. But, still, there was a certain glow in her eyes, a certain feeling that from the moment she laid her eyes on his pale white face, she couldn't shake off.

Oh, it's going to be a lot more complicated than she thought...



For the first time in the week that passed, he was hopeful. He found his way out. When he looked at Dr. Harleen Quinzel, he saw through her like an open book. Yes, it was true that he was a manipulator, and very crazy, but that didn't mean that he wasn't a whole deal of smart. And very perspicace.

He saw his whole escape plan in her. He will have to only put it in action, which is going to need time.

As he watched the guards drag Harleen away, he grinned, and went to his wall so he could add another "HA", bigger than the others,  with his blood.

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