
Dr. Quinzel entered his cell to start a new session. He could tell that she liked talking to him, no one else was that motivated. "Perfect", he thought. "His whole plan was based on that".

So, he sits comfortably and answers whatever question she had to ask him, without lying.

"Good morning, Mistah J", said Harleen with her usual smile.

"I brought ya some coffee", she added.

"You shouldn't have, honey pie" he said with a grin.


She could feel the heat in her cheeks when he called her "honey pie". She turned around quickly, doing as if she was checking some files.

She sighed, and then sitted at the table. She would begin to interrogate him.

"So, let's talk about your childhood"

"Ahh, yesss. The psychiatrist's favorite subject.", he said.

"Well, it's a big part of the psychology."

"Alright, alright. Well, my father left me, and my stepfather hated me. It's not all that interesting", he said, with a tone of voice as if he was really into the story.

There was a sparkle in Harleen's eyes when he talked about his childhood. She felt like she was really getting to know him more.

"I mean, you and I are not that different... You were abused as well, when you were a child... Am I wrong?"

How did he know? It was like he could read into her mind, into her memories with barely a glance.

"Yess... Your parents neglected you all your life. And when your sister was born, they gave all their love and attention to her. Not you. That's why you tried so hard to please them. That's why you became a psychiatrist."

He was right. Everything. She wouldn't even been surprised if he knew her parents name. Somehow, she didn't know why, she felt so understood. Like never before.

All her life, her parents hadn't looked twice at her. Everything she did, her gymnastics, her schoolwork, they ignored it. Said, they were busy. There were happy times. When she was like 5. At her graduation, they didn't bother to show up. They only loved her baby sister, that they constantly praised.

"How?", she asked.

"What, darling?"

"How did ya know?"

"Deductions. I'm quite good at it"

"I see.."

She couldn't help but admire him. He really was smart. Too bad he used it for killing, he would've have made a brilliant psychiatrist. She could fix him, she told herself. When she looked at him, she was smiling while he listened everything he said. Everything was interesting. And she didn't bother to take notes anymore.



They spent three hours just talking. He knew exactly that the time was up a long time ago, yet Dr. Quinzel doesn't seem at all rushed. No. Instead, she drank every word he said. He could see the sparkle in her eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"she said.

She went through a pocket of her lab coat and showed the Joker a little toy kitty.

"Oh, a kitty. What an adorable thing" he said.

"I figured you would like it"

Then, a silence settled in. But it wasn't that uncomfortable silence. It was full of some kind of tension. Dr. Quinzel looked at her patient with loving eyes. Then, out of impulse..

She leaned in. A kiss as gentle as the breeze. She was surprised that a criminal like him could be that gentle. She felt as if she was on top of the world...




When she went back to her desk, she found herself smiling and glowing when she thought about what happened. Then, she realized: was she falling in love? With a criminal?

She shook her head. Of course, she wasn't, right? It was just her burning curiosity like always, right?

But somehow, deep down, she knew that it was a completly different feeling than usual.

She was lost in thought when Dr. Presley knocked at the door of her office. She went to open her door.

"Come in", said Harleen.

"Oh, it won't be long. I just needed to tell you that you had to come to the room 341 at 2pm. For the Joker's shock therapy. The other doctor ditched, and I can see how much trust he puts in you. This is your chance to use that trust into fixing him."

"Excuse me, shock therapy?"

"Well yes, he gets 450 volts of electricity in the head every two months to keep in check. And before you judge me, I need you to remember that he murdered people. This is his punishment"

But Harleen only processed the part of "450 volts in the head". Poor baby.




"Well, well, well, look who we have here?", he said looking at Dr. Quinzel, when the guards dragged him to lie down on the table.

She mouthed "I'm sorry".  The clown prince of crime laughed.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the show" he said.

Another doctor put some gel on the side of his forehead and preparing the wire shots of electricity.

The Joker could tell that Harleen was uncomfortable at first.

Then, the juice hit his brain. That pain. After, it was all blurred.




When the other doctor started, she quickly closed her eyes and put her hands on her ears, so she wouldn't have to hear his screams. While doing that, her paper fell down on the floor. She was supposed to take notes of his behaviors, but screw it. She couldn't bear to see him in pain for some reason. Yet, she was too coward to stop it. 

When it was over, he wasn't moving. She thought for a second that he was dead and she grew panicked. And she looked at the other doctor with dark eyes. All she was thinking about was to make him suffer.

"He's still breathing. Take him to his cell" he said to the guards, who obeyed on sight.

Harleen tried to talk, yet no word came out. So, what could she do besides follow the guards to Mister J's cell.

When the guards left, Dr. Quinzel looked back at the Joker who was lying in his bed. He was peaceful, yet she knew he was in pain.


She came closer and kissed him gently on the forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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