Part 1

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9:30 am, Saturday
First part, enjoy evb who reads xx
(pls vote x💕)

Y/N pov:
Y/N awoke and tore her phone from its previous place on her bedside table and shut off her alarm. She let out a groggy groan before dragging her limp and tired body out of her bed that almost clung to her, and walked into her bathroom. She splashed her face with water before checking her phone. "Shit I have somewhere to be in an hour. I completely forgot I was going out with Sophie for lunch!" She scrambled into her room, grabbing fresh clothes and makeup, and hopping in the shower.

Sophie pov:
"I'm going out for lunch with Y/N today, fingers crossed she isn't late today. I actually thoughtfully planned the place in the mall we were going to. I had pieced together that Aj would be there with Niko by stalking many stories, im a great friend. Y/N is like in LOVE with Aj and I think Niko is totally cute so this is perfect." Sophie spoke to herself while she got ready all the time, pretending she was recording a grwm for all her fans to see.

Y/N pov:
She struggled to get her hoop earrings in before closing the backing, spraying on her favourite Ariana Grande perfume and collecting her handbag, texting Sophie she was ready to be picked up. After Sophie didn't respond, she decided to call her. "Pick up alreadyy!"
Y/N said to herself, just then she answered. "HEYYYYY GIRLIEEE!!" Sophie yelled from one end, "HEY TWINNNNN," Y/N shouted back, "CAN U COME GET ME NOW?"

Y/N jumped at the sound of a horn from outside her house, she quickly opened the front door and hopped into Sophies new car, a mercedes.

(really sorry guys wattpad wont let me add a pictures? im trying to show how they look but the button where you add a picture is grey and when I click it nothing happens. if somebody knows how to fix pls tell meee x)

The two girls arrived at the mall, Sophie parked the car right at the front before they left the car and began walking into the mall.  Y/N looked to her right and saw the silhouette of a man with big bouncy curls and what seemed to be a person next to him? She couldn't see much through the tinted windows so she aimed her eyes back at the fancy cafe they were headed to, light bouncing off of the counters.

Sophie and Y/N pov:
"Its like 100m away but it still smells so good, I cant wait to get a coffee to wake me up," Said Sophie. "Fr girl im gonna die if I don't eat soon" Y/N said back as the two laughed.
The girls walked into the cafe, the sweet scent of fresh baking instantly hitting them. They picked seats right by the window displaying the pretty sunrise, framing the trees outside. "Lets go order" Y/N said, "yeah im starving," Soppy responded.

Aj pov:
Niko and I decided to go out for breakfast as we had a shoot together later. On Nikos channel we were doing youtubers guess who, and on mine we were trying mini foods. As we walked in, my eyes latched onto a girl in the corner. She had gorgeous shiny brown curls, baggy jeans and a cropped graphic tee. She was gorgeous, so gorgeous that I didn't notice she was with a friend. She was pretty too, but not really my type. She looks like somebody Niko would date. "Hello? are you there Aje?" Niko asked laughing. I snapped out of it to his hand waving in my face. "Yeah sorry dude I was deep in thought," I replied. "We have been standing in the door way for 5 minutes." Niko said smiling. "Sorry, I didn't notice." I answered before turning bright red and covering my face and following Niko to a table.

Y/N pov:
I punched Sophies shoulder to stop her laughter and make her pay attention. "Omg Sophie Aj freaking Shabeel is here!!" I said kick my feet increasingly faster under the table. "Yay this is perfect I set this up so well!- oops. You weren't meant to know that." Sophie laughed. "You did this soppy?! how?" I asked. "Don't worry abt that twinn x" said Sophie smirking. Oh my was she crazy sometimes. Anyway, thats beside the point I just met my crush!

Sophie pov:
"Ooohhh Niko so fine😙" I said giggling as Y/N yapped on about how cute Aj looked. "You should go get Nikos number Sophie, you would be the cutest couple."
"I don't know, am I his type?" I queried further, mustering up the courage to go talk to the Nikolas Daniel Adegbajumo Omilana!  "Ofc you are sopz, go get that numberrr." Y/N said. "Fine," I finally stood and started walking over to him.

Niko pov:
A super cute girl began walking towards me, she was totally my type. Brown hair, brown eyes, and the prettiest smile. She reached my table and smiled sweetly before sliding a napkin in front of me and walking away. I opened it to find cursive writing which read, "hi niko, can I get your number? if so, slide it back onto my table with your number on it. xoxo, -sophie." Huh, Sophie. "no way u just got gyal like that. I want a girl too, lifes not fair being 5'5" Aj said peaking over my shoulder at the napkin. "Don't worry Aje, you'll get a girl soon, im sure. Look at the girl beside the one who just gave me the note, isn't she your type?" I asked. "Duh! thats why I froze looking at her for 5 minutes, I want her number." Aj said. "Maybe you should give her a note too? Shes like 4'11 you will still be taller Aje."
"Yeah I will soon, are u gonna give that Sophie girl your number?"
"Oh I forgot about that, I will now." I said before printing down my number onto the napkin and walking toward her table.

Sophie pov:
Gosh I hope I get his number, hes like totallyyy hot. like hes giving good dick too- OOP HERE HE COMES? IM ABT TO BARK HELP.
Y/N nudged me. "Look here he comes!" she whispered laughing.
I watched him slide the napkin toward me and smile before walking off. Hes super hot but they right fr he do walk like a grandma😞 "OMG Y/N NO WAYYYY" we hugged eachother laughing as I whipped out my phone and put his number in. "THATS SUCH GOOD NEWS SOPPYYYYY, ANYWAY I NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM BE BACK SOON."
"OKAY Y/NN" I replied as she got up and walked off.

By chance, Aj also needed to use the bathroom. He informed Neeko before heading towards the bathroom. As he left the bathroom, he bumped into that girl from earlier, and she fell down. "Im super sorry!" Aj said helping the curly haired girl up. "Its okay, you're Aj right?" She asked knowing DAMN well it was. Just then, it clicked for him who it was, it was a fellow youtuber, Y/N. He asked. "You're Y/N right, you do youtube too right?" He was finding the courage to get her number. "uhuh, I do. Sorry to ask, can I get a picture with you?" Y/N asked. She was well known on youtube as well but she still wanted a picture with her crush. "sure I don't mind." Aj replied as the girl smiled before pulling out her phone. Oh my, she forgot she had Aj as her background. she prayed he didn't see as she quickly clicked on the camera app. Aj did see, but just smiled and didn't mention it not wanting for it to be awkward. "Smileee" Y/N said and aj put an arm around her waist as they took a picture. He didn't like touch, but he didn't mind Y/N.
Aj took a deep breath before asking, "can I get your number?" He went red as Y/N took a second to respond. "its okay if not," he said sadly preparing himself for rejection. Y/N finally smiled, "sure." She helf her phone out to him, as did he, and they exchange numbers.
"Well it was nice meeting you Y/N, maybe we can do a shoot soon." He said. "Yeah, that would be a good collab." Y/N responded. They made small talk for a while before separating.
Little do they know...


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