❨ 🌙 ❩ ⵌ ❝ INTERIM 1.1 ❞ ⟡

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Ginnungagap the Yawning Void
1st of February 2018
21:30 PM

Galateya's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the figure draped in shadow beside her

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Galateya's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the figure draped in shadow beside her. His awakening had been sudden, a jolt of awareness that pierced the veil of slumber like a bolt of lightning, leaving her paralyzed in its wake. The sight of his twisted antlers, gnarled and imposing, sent a shiver cascading down her spine, fracturing the fragile veneer of tranquility that had settled over her like a thin layer of frost.

Galateya's eyes widened in disbelief, the whites stark against the backdrop of her ashen face. The figure loomed over her, a specter of darkness cloaked in mystery, his presence suffusing the air with an oppressive weight that pressed down upon her chest like a vice. Each ragged breath she drew felt like a struggle, the rhythm of her heartbeat reverberating in her ears like the pounding of distant drums.

The figure, seemingly impervious to her startled reaction, slowly parted his heavy lids, revealing eyes of a mesmerizing yet disquieting blend of dull amber and verdant green. Their gaze bore into hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine, like the unrelenting stare of a predator fixated on its prey. A heavy silence descended upon the cramped confines of the train cabin, punctuated only by the rhythmic thrum of the engine, its steady cadence a stark contrast to the chaotic tumult raging within Galateya's mind. Each beat seemed to echo her racing thoughts, amplifying the disorientation that gripped her like a vice.

Struggling to regain her composure, Galateya fought to find her voice amidst the maelstrom of confusion and fear that threatened to overwhelm her. The sudden awakening of the enigmatic stranger and his enigmatic words left her feeling adrift, like a marionette whose strings had been abruptly severed, leaving her at the mercy of unknown forces.

The silence of the cramped space was shattered by the resonance of the man's voice, each syllable a weighty whisper that reverberated off the walls, filling the air with an ominous resonance. "Do you comprehend," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand secrets, "the peril that surrounds you? Not solely from my own being, but from the myriad other entities that lurk within these shadows."

Galateya's breath caught in her throat as the weight of the man's words settled upon her like a heavy cloak. His ominous warning sent a shiver rippling down her spine, prickling the fine hairs on the nape of her neck. Rising from his seat, he loomed over her like a specter of the night, his antlers casting long, ominous shadows that danced across the dimly lit cabin.

"It appears," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that seemed to reverberate through the very air around them, "that you have inadvertently stumbled into this train from your original express back in Tahanat Ha-Rakevet Yitzhak Navon." Each syllable dripped with a palpable sense of foreboding, sending chills skittering down Galateya's spine like icy tendrils.

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