Absolutely Not

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Lori was glaring at her the next morning and Amy looked around in confusion. She had done nothing wrong, she was not the one who forced her husband to ignore his body's signs something was wrong. In fact, she had made sure her son had not wandered around when she stayed with Rick in the med bus the entire day while the rest of camp hustled the supplies together. So, why was Lori glaring at her like that while Carol was beaming with joy pedaling the camp's laundry?

Michonne stepped over the rope Daryl had set up with two coffees in hand and Andre secured safely to her back. It was a welcome distraction from the scathing glare that had followed her for a full twenty minutes. Daryl swaggered over with Braden babbling in his arms and Billy right in his shadow. She was momentarily distracted by all that going on so early in the morning, Daryl Dixon should come with a warning label.

"How did you get him away from Daisy and Beth?" Amy asked curiously when Michonne nudged her to bring her back to reality, she was so happy she had such a helpful best friend.

"They shake at the mere mention of his name." The older woman grinned when he just grunted, squinting his eyes at their coffee.

"Ma! My Ma!" Braden just kind of tipped himself out of the hunter's stunned arms toward the blonde. He was quick but she had already snatched him when he called for her, kissing him all over his face.

"Good morning." Amy smiled up at him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before dropping a kiss to the top of Billy's messy hair. "How are my favorite men this fine morning?"

"Whatcha do ta Olive?" Daryl tilted his chin behind her head while Billy stood a little taller at being called a man.

"Probably has something to do with her new accessory." Michonne chuckled, while Amy pointedly did not look towards Lori.

"The fuck is that?"

"Daryl!" Amy hissed, kicking him in the shin since her arms were full. He backed up to avoid her and glared balefully. "Not in front of them, they're already losing all their contractions thanks to you!"

"I didn' lose nothin'?" Billy asked in confusion but Amy pointed at him with her coffee cup with wide eyes.

"Hear that drawl? That's all your fault, Dixon."

"Whatcha tryin' ta say, woman?" Daryl frowned in confusion, glancing down at the boy only to have him grin back at him.

Michonne couldn't help but laugh when Amy stared at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. "Back to the kiddie leash?"

"What about it?" Amy turned to her friend in confusion.

"Why is there a gigantic lock on Carl's bright pink backpack?"

"Carl wouldn' listen ta Mr. Daryl." Billy grinned brightly at the boy sitting by his mother with a pout. "Said Mr. Daryl aint his Daddy so he don' have to listen. Mom leashed him ta the bus!"

"Now, you are absolutely hamming it up, Bubs." Amy couldn't help but coo over her little boy, closing her eyes in resignation when Braden laughed while he face planted into her cleavage.

"Livin' the dream." Daryl chuckled, looking away when the blonde glared at him with annoyance.

"Kids carry like ninety percent of their weight in their head." She nodded seriously, wanting to get off the subject of literally locking a mother and son together. Michonne nodded in solidarity with a laugh, still stealing glances at Lori and Carl and their matching scowls.

"Why the bright pink one?" She couldn't help but ask. "And really, where did you find a lock that big?"

"C'mon girl, don' be shy." Daryl smirked as the blonde turned red when he crowded her space, his fingers trailing along her hip.

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