Coming Clean

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Jim, Glenn, Dale, Herschel, and Daryl got to work moving abandoned vehicles to the fences right after the convoy arrived. With the food truck set up, Ana had Sam and Jean rushing around the cramped space at her direction. Those bagged meals looked foul but the chef was a master of spice, happily directing them from her doctor prescribed chair. The blonde assigned a small group to take watch on the perimeter before giving the rest a way to keep busy until the next meal.

Amy and Michonne led the children with Lori and Carol in tearing apart the mountain of abandoned luggage. Most of it was clothes but it wasn't surprising how many people snuck in their valuables and weapons. The blonde directed Jimmy and Duke to hang large cargo blankets over the windows.

"What are we even gonna do with all this stuff?" Daisy asked curiously at the large piles they had been making in the waiting area.

Clothes, jewelry, papers, and sex toys had the largest piles, with Lori giving her a very disapproving glare. Why so many people had to bring their personal massagers to the refugee center was lost on the blonde. She and the brunette were quick to snatch any and toss them, ignoring the awkward questions from the children. There was also plenty of ammo and medicine so it wasn't just busy work.

"The group can go through the clothes to see if there's anything they might need." Amy sighed, crouching down to inspect the piles of summer clothes with disappointment.

"Never have enough socks!" Betth chirped optimistically, holding up a pair of rainbow knee high toe socks.

"So much money!" Emma cried out in excitement, throwing bills over her head.

Michonne came from the back, pulling along a dozen large, plastic rolling carts happily. They weren't as large as the laundry carts they found at the school but it would keep the piles out of the way and separate.

"How long do you plan for us to stay here?" Lori demanded when Michonne started dumping the prescription medication into a cart.

"Not long." Amy shrugged, keeping an eye on the teenage boys who were almost done. The large blankets did not cover the entire window but they would stack the suitcases so the light could not be seen from the outside. "Just a few days to raid a couple places and the hospital that Rick was staying at. Hopefully, the others can catch up to us."

"That's if they're even alive." Lori grumbled, turning her eyes away at the scathing glare she received. "You're the one saying that we need to set up at this school before winter."

"And if we just went there without preparation and found the school damaged beyond repair or already occupied?" Amy asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes to the children pointedly.

"Where would we go?"

"Well, if the school doesn't pan out we can go East to another school that has a brick wall or north to the mountains to a private resort." Michonne answered swiftly, picking up Andre from the playpen. "We have two more places after that, depending on which direction we go. I'm still hoping for an island."

"Boys, could you bring the cots from the back?" Amy asked when it appeared Lori was out of questions, for the moment at least. "We'll need around twenty for those not staying in their own buses, I think the sprinter is still loaded down with all the supplies from the school."

"Can I take this off now?" Carl asked tugging at the back pack straps after the last of the luggage was emptied.

"Are you going to run off?" Amy asked before Lori could open her mouth, which she regretted as soon as she saw the look in the other mother's eyes.

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