Chapter 37

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Sorry this is a day late! I wasn't sure how I wanted to go forward with this chapter, and it took me a while to sort it out. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!

Bakugo crumpled the note in his hand as he looked around the area, desperate to find his boyfriend. He shoved his back against the wall and waited. It didn't take long, and as soon as Midoriya landed in front of him, Bakugo grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him close.

"Don't you ever fucking do anything like that again," he seethed. "You scared the shit out of me."


"I mean it, Deku. I love you, and I was fucking worried. You're lucky I found the note." Bakugo shoved the crumpled note into his hand. After tearing the house apart, he found a note left under Midoriya's empty coffee cup on the counter.

"Half of me wanted you to find it, and the other half didn't," Midoriya admitted. "I wasn't sure if I wanted you here for this."

Bakugo straightened. "Here for what?"

"I remembered what happened during the mission a while ago," Midoriya said before stepping back and looking around. "But it's not something I want to discuss in the open. Come on." He pushed himself away from his boyfriend.


"Come on," Midoriya interrupted. "Let's at least get to another part of the city." He knew which areas were heavily patrolled right now and which ones weren't. He had been running around all day, waiting for Bakugo to meet him. He knew the heroes were still looking for him, and he knew where they would go.

Bakugo silently followed him through the city's back alleys. It all felt strangely familiar, and he couldn't help but remember the times he had spent in the exact same alleys, drinking himself stupid because nothing else was numbing the pain.

Another twenty minutes later, Midoriya led Bakugo to an abandoned toy factory. He was expecting it to be empty when they arrived, but it wasn't. Todoroki stood there with his arms crossed.

Bakugo raised a brow. "I thought you were back at the house?"

"I left half an hour after you," he said. "I waited until Shinso fell asleep."

Bakugo looked at his boyfriend, waiting for an answer. "When they all chased me earlier, Todoroki was the only one able to find me. I told him because he was there too. He has the same scars on his back that I have. Hell, I think they're in the same spots and everything."

Bakugo turned to Todoroki, glaring at him. "So, when I was so worried that I fucking felt sick, you were what, laughing at me?"

Midoriya stepped in front of him. "I asked him not to say anything. If you want to direct your anger at someone, direct it at me."

"As much as I want to, I want this shit to end. What do you remember?" he asked.

"I remembered them talking about a hero working with them and the bosses. Shinso didn't find the boss like he had thought. Only a few people were entrusted with knowing who the bosses were, and Shinso wasn't one of them. He truly thinks Ritsuki is the boss, but he's not," Midoriya explained. "I also remember that they were trying to get information about you out of us. I can't guarantee that Todoroki didn't say anything, but I know I didn't."

"We all know I would die before telling anyone anything," Todoroki said quickly before they could accuse him of saying anything.

"I don't think you would have. Even if you did, nobody there was alive when you left. Remember?" Bakugo said.

"But someone did betray us. They said they had a hero working with them. I also know who the big bosses are, but I didn't want to cause drama with that just yet, either," Midoriya explained. Finding out who the bosses were and how they were involved shook him to his core. He never thought someone could be that cruel, but they were. As a hero, he mainly saw criminals and villains who did not have familial attachments. They were mostly people who had been rejected by society. They weren't parents, teachers, heroes, police officers, doctors, and other respectful professionals.

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