3. Satan

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 That hurts. But when I looked up, it hurt even more. Because I was tripped by none other than Satan himself, and moreover, he just left laughing. How could he??

Arie came to help me and asked me if I was okay. BUT I WAS NOT OKAY....Why does he have to do that in front of everyone, especially in front of Tae? That maniac...

I successfully got up and sat at a nearby table. Meanwhile, Aria told everyone to go and asked the laughing girls if it was a show, but they left while giggling.

As everyone left, they asked me if I was okay. But when I heard one specific person's voice, everything just stopped. I was not expecting this even in my dreams.

Tae came forward and asked me, "Are you okay? are you hurt anywhere? You know Jungkook can be a handful sometimes. I'm sorry if he caused any harm to you."


"Hey, are you listening?"


"Did she hit her head?" Jimin asked arie.

"No", said Aria and shook me to answer.

"No. I...I am Fine" I answered. 

"That's great. I am truly sorry for my friend's behavior."

"It's Okay." I replied.

"Bye." He waved at me with a smile. I also waved to him,and he left.

"Next time don't be so obvious, buttercup." Jimin said while waving me bye.

I am blank. I don't know what just happened. Did he just talked to me????.

"Did you really hit your head?". Arie asked me while examining me.


"Are you even listening?"..


"Baby, can you speak something or are you just ready to die because you have heard Taehyung's voice?"

"What? Stop it. No. It's not like that." I said. "I don't know what to say." 




"He asked me if I was okay." After a few seconds, I blabbered while looking at Ari.

Arie was just watching me with a certain expression and I was like, 'kill me'.

"What?" I asked and she finally speak.

"Are you out of that movement?"

"Yes I am."

"okay. Now tell me how are you feeling? Are you hurt?"

"No. I am totally fine."

"Do you like him that much?" Arie asked.

"No. Why would I?? are you out of you mind??" I tell her

"Okay. then it is just a crush"

"Why are we even having this conversation? No one has a crush on anyone. Yaaaa, I......I also saw how you were seeing Jimin. Let's just go. We are getting late for lunch." I blabbered and started to get up to leave.

Arie stopped me from getting up, came close to my face with a flirtatious expression, and said, 'Next time don't be so obvious, buttercup.'

While getting up, I pushed her and asked." You will never let this go, will you? I told you that noting is like that. Let's just leave."

Arie started to laugh like she saw something really funny.

"Why are you laughing??? Lets go."

"Okay Okay. Lets go, ...........Buttercup."

"Okay, I am leaving"

"Wait for me." arie said behind me.

and we started walking to the canteen to have lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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