At Waka's!

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As we proceeded to continue watching the Yakuza movie at Wakasa's place, my mind started to wander somewhere else entirely, wondering how this came to be. Being cuddled by this nonchalant guy felt out of place, almost unrealistic. I couldn't understand my own train of thought, why was I so dissociated from this peculiar date? Was it our age gap? Or having Wakasa act like so, couldn't be comprehended by my brain? Why did he accept the date in the first place? Or was I simply skeptical of this dude ever developing any interest in me?

Already distracted by my raging thoughts I decided to steal a glance at my date's face, he must have sensed my stare because I got caught in the act straight away, which made me hastily avert my gaze back toward the screen. Then something weird took place, as I tried to shift my body so I could change my sitting position, my dangling feet became their own obstacles and I found myself falling face-first onto the guy's crotch.

"You sure you aren't an expert in those kinds of situations, if you ask me it looked intentional to me." By the tone of his voice, I could tell he was teasing me for my clumsiness, yet I was confused by his unbothered state. Was my head so light? I picked myself up while using his thighs as support for my arms. Witnessing his smug face, I just pouted showing my dissatisfaction, yet this guy took the opportunity to poke my cheek with his finger. My defense mechanism activated and I chomped on it.

"What are you, a feral kitty?" Rather than responding I just showcased my teeth, not truly understanding what prompted me to act like this.

"Hmmmm~" He hummed under his breath and the next thing I knew, I was flipped over and pinned to the couch we were sitting on. I saw Wakasa's hair fall, as he hovered over me. I just blinked still processing the situation I was in, but my mouth was moving faster than my thoughts.

"Does this kind of flirting work out for you buddy?"

"Why don't we find out?" I think I internally screamed, as I never signed up for this kind of date. I was prepared to tell him off ready to launch a full-scale attack, but another head appeared in my vision.

"This seems like fun, can I join in?" Taken off guard, I screamed at the top of my lungs, after trashing around I managed to hit Wakasa in the chin with my head causing me a terrible headache. But found myself wrapping all my four limbs around him while holding onto for dear life. A laugh echoed in my date's apartment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to freak out." Shinichiro's ghost stood barely inches from my face an apologetic expression remaining on his face.

"Shit, what was that?" Wakasa questioned while caressing the bumped area.

"G-g-ghost," I whispered being not only out of breath, but I could feel my heart going hundredth miles per hour.

"Ghost? We haven't even watched any scary movies, where did that come from?" Seeing his conflicted face, made me realize he couldn't decide whether to be angry or sympathetic toward my case.

"You don't need scary movies when you have an affinity for attracting ghosts." The whole concept of seeing ghosts didn't scare me, since I already got used to the trio following me around, simply because I was a fresh face they could talk to. Where the problem lay was in the fact I was expecting only me and Wakasa to be in this apartment.

"Is this some new trend that came from the internet to grab your date's attention?" I quickly shook my head, while the ghost started to distract me with his speech.

"I'm kind of jealous, he has chicks throwing themself at him despite his short stature, but I died not even knowing how it is to kiss a girl." I got instant shivers, fearing for the newcomer to take an Izana approach I quickly hid my face in the crook of Wakasa's neck.

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