11. school

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When they arived at school, almost everyone was staring at them. Paula Cracker came over to them, knocked on the window and glared at Murdoc. Stuart looked at him, not knowing what he should do. Murdoc just got out and walked over to the other side of the car. He punched Paula in the side of the head, making her scream in anger. She punched him 3 times in the nose and in the guts, he kicked her in the side. Murdoc's nose started bleeding and he felt nauseous. Paula stopped fighting and smirked at Murdoc, thinking she won. Sadly for her, Murdoc wasn't a quitter. Lucky for Murdoc, she turned away, thinking it was over. Murdoc punched her in the back of the head, knocking her out cold. Meanwhile Stuart was silently crying in the car. Some kid had alarmed the teachers of a fight going on but Murdoc managed to get away in time and Stuart stepped out of the car to look at his injured girlfriend. A few minutes later the school nurse arived and they took her away. Stuart couldn't focus on any of his classes for the rest of the day. He kept thinking about the fight between Murdoc and Paula. Time seemed to go really slow and Stuart emded up skipping some of his classes to hide in the toilets. From now on, he was going to stay away from Murdoc. He'd hang out with his girlfriend, Paula, more often and he'd spend more time with his parents.

I haven't got any motivation left and im going to start a new fanfic
Not a school au this time tho
Im also really sorry for the absurdly short chapter but i gotta end this
The new fanfic will be up soon if ya wanna read it
It'll be about like plastic beach up until humanz with a little canon lore in it but also my imagination
Ofc its still 2Doc tho cuz i cannot just make a fanfic without ships in it
Goodbye and good day to yall whoever is reading this and i might decide to finish this in the future if i get a little more brainpower

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