Chapter 24

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After 8 long gruesome hours of labor the twins were born and I wouldn't have it any other way. The only problem was I didn't get to hold them at all. They were to early for them to even be born which scared the leaving hell out of me and Josh. "Baby it's gonna be alright," he soothed whil he was also clinging onto his faith for our precious little babies.

"We made it as soon as we could. Are the babies alright? Is Julie alright," Colby panicked as he I smiled carefully up at him. "I'm fine but the babies I don't know about. I'm scared," I cried with the salty water rolling down my face. Immediately Colby came over and enveloped me into a bone crushing hug. "It's gonna be alright Julie I promise."

Out of the corner of my eye I seen Josh allow a small water droplet fall down his face as well. If it was possible for me to get out of my bed I would be over there trying to comfort him. Instead I was stuck attached to a bunch of machines that'll make sure I will  have a full recovery. Out of nowhere I seen Jonathan hugging his twin which made me cry even harder since the problematic fact about my very own set of twins sitting in the NICU right now.

Later on after the guys left, Josh managed to climb up beside me so I could cuddle with him. "Mamas don't cry. Edward and Elena will get through this. They're as tough as you," he said trying to reassure me. "But baby they were born 5 weeks premature. What if one makes it and the other doesnt? I can't live with myself if I lose one of them," I answered with the tears clearly flowing down my face.

Soon the nurses came in to check my vitals and such to make sure there were no complications. "How are my babies," I asked the nurse who just continued her work without looking me straight in the eye. "I can't exactly say but they've got the best doctors on their case," she replied before leaving.

Damn it! Why couldn't she tell, me what the hell was going on with my babies. With Josh cuddle into my chest I laid my head on top of his hoping to get some sort of sleep/comfort.

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