Chapter Ten

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"Beep Beep Boop."

In a room saturated with the glow of digitalized holograms, the atmosphere buzzed with energy as the bratty hacker immersed herself in her domain. Rows of monitors surrounded her, each displaying lines of intricate code, while others showcased her favorite games in vibrant colors and flashing lights.

This was her sanctuary, her haven amidst the chaos of the digital world, and she relished every moment spent here. However, a lingering resentment simmered beneath her facade of indifference, fueled by the recent banishment of her accounts by the likes of Herta and Screwllum. Though she had managed to circumvent the IPC's firewall and reclaim her accounts, the ordeal had necessitated a complete overhaul of her digital identity—a task she found both tedious and irksome.

"Hah... because of them, I have to change all of my identity and vice versa," she grumbled, her fingers dancing across the keyboard with practiced precision. "Honestly, can't they let me live in peace? Despicable people, I tell you. Even Kafka would grant me some autonomy in all this."

Despite her frustrations, she dutifully carried out her tasks, monitoring the activities as per Elio's directives. Her leader's instructions were often cryptic, but she had long since grown accustomed to deciphering his intentions. Tonight's mission involved keeping a watchful eye on SAM as she guided the Trailblazers through the dreamscape—a task she approached with a mix of amusement and anticipation.

"Our boy has grown up so much after the debacle he had to face," she mused, a hint of pride coloring her voice. "Sniff. He's grown too fast!"

Her gaze flickered across the screens, tracking SAM's progress with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. However, her attention was soon drawn to another figure—Caelus, the enigmatic Trailblazer whose exploits never failed to captivate her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she murmured, her curiosity piqued as she observed Caelus's solitary journey through the dreamscape. "Our noob is exploring the dreamscape, it seems. Though... why is he alone?"

As she scrutinized the scene unfolding before her, a frown creased her brow. Caelus' unexpected appearance in the dreamscape was intriguing enough, but his seemingly solitary journey raised questions she couldn't ignore.

"Yikes, that's gotta hurt," she remarked wryly, watching as Caelus plummeted like a meteor before landing in the heart of the Golden Hour. "Though I'm sure the Stellaron in him will heal him up. Oh wait, I forgot, the dream removes everyone's pain sensitivity... that sounds like a skill issue, though."

Despite her jesting tone, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Caelus's presence in the dreamscape was a wildcard she hadn't accounted for, and the implications of his sudden appearance were cause for concern.

"He's always interesting, that Caelus," she mused, her gaze lingering on the screen with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "But this... this is something else."

Her attention was abruptly diverted as another figure entered the scene—a purple-haired woman whose presence ignited a spark of anger within her.

"They're... No, no! Oh, hell no! They're dating! Not on my watch!"

With a sense of urgency, she activated a secret communication link to SAM, knowing that swift action was required to address the unfolding situation.

"Silverwolf, what seems to be the problem?" SAM's voice crackled to life, her tone businesslike and efficient.

"Major problem. It's urgent," Silverwolf replied, her voice tight with frustration.

"Major? Urgent? Has something happened to the members of the Astral Express?" SAM inquired, her concern evident in her tone.

Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)Where stories live. Discover now