Mum's the word

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You've smuggled me into a trial room

in an obscure corner of our favorite mall.

It wasn't very well lit

or crowded.

Everyone's busy with Monday's Brawl.

We're hush-hush with our kisses.

Nothing to see here; no sounds in this stall.

You stand on your toes

to reach me.

Your back to the wall.

We get so tangled

look in the mirror

we're hard to tell apart.

Like roots of Mangroves

with pulsing, beating hearts.

In the reflections,

there are numerous versions

of us. Our own

Mangrove forest. So young

and reckless.

We're tamed now. Mangroves stay in our house.

Hey Bailey

I still remember what you whispered

to me, there in the trial room,

pinned against the wall.

I won't tell anyone. It's our secret. Mum's the word. 

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