Unmatched slippers

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Love and grief are unmatched pairs

of slippers. But they go well with each other.

You were wearing them when we left our hometown

together. One rosy pink and one black.

We wore them to all the museums, bookstores and cinemas

that we once frequented. You can hear their tiny slaps

in the memories of us going to college untethered.

It's present in all the photos we took of each other.

You can catch a glimpse of them in the memories

of your father. They are what you wear when you paint

your landscapes of turbulent waters. They go so well-

love and grief - they might as well be complementary colors.

They're essential wardrobes for characters'

in poems that we used to read (and re-read) together.

Hey Bailey, love and grief are what we throw

at each other when we fight on silly matters.

Every day they come up with conflicting odors. Somedays

it catches a stray scent that reminds me

of my grandmother's banana cake. Somedays I get a whiff

of talcum powder that my mother used to wear.

At times it's severe, this ungodly combination

of pleasure and horror. But we all inevitably wear

heaven and hell together. We can trek mountains with these

unmatched slippers - I'm not worried - we have each other.

unmatched slippers - I'm not worried - we have each other

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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