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No matter how hard she tried, she was always pulled in the opposite direction. She heaved a sigh as she drew her knees to her chest. She sat in the middle of the room. Around her lay dozens of books of various sizes and colors. She hardly paid them any mind as she inhaled somewhat raggedly and closed her eyes yet again. She had to do this. She struggled to calm her beating heart as she stretched her awareness as far as she could. It spread easily, and she could not help but shiver at the thrill it gave her to feel the world around her work in a steady balance.

She pushed her feelings aside and stretched farther until she could feel the presence of a miraculous light. She pulled and prodded at the light almost panickedly, praying it would not leave. Not now, not after how long she searched for it. She, however, could already feel the shadows creeping into her mind. The harder she tried to cling to her prize, the further she could feel the darkness soak into her soul.

She let out a scream as she was suddenly pulled back forcefully. When she came to, she found herself sitting in a small town. The sun was mid-sky, making its descent as day approached night. She let out a groan as she pulled herself out of the vision, faintly acknowledging the sound of an explosion before she came back to the real world.

Every time it was the same thing. Every time she got pulled into the same vision. She knew how this went. The wars had been raging for centuries and they were endless. She needed to focus. She needed to find what she was looking for before it was too late. The balance was at risk, and it was up to her to save it. She had to.

She pulled out a pair of shimmering gold scissors from her pocket. Along the length of one shears was etched a single word. She traced the word with her thumb as she closed her eyes. She inhaled deeply before she muttered to herself. "My name is Tanda. I am... I am the seer of life and death. This is..." She inhaled again raggedly. "I tell fortunes. I read cards, in my shop." Her cheeks grew pale as she lifted the scissors. Everything in her screamed for her to stop, but she couldn't. She needed to focus.

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