the hell do I do!?

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Haerin's pov

What the hell do I do!?

I then heard a whistle. I turned to the sound and saw my neighbour.

"Are you not going home?" He asked me. "Oh I I'm just taking a walk" I answered.

"Really at this hour just go home haerin you know you need more sleep" he practically begged me.

I sighed how the hell do I do this. "Well I just really need the fresh air and I love the night so bye" I said and hurried away.


I have been walking for some time I'm just walking cirkels around my neighbour hood. I know they are still following me.

I have no where to run. I got a call so I stopped and answered. "Yeah?" I asked. "Haerin are you home now?" Ah shit my neighbour really cares for some reason.

"Oh I" shit what do I say. "I'm just.. I'm walking hope right now" I said in a hurry. "Yeah whatever just hurry home bye" he said and hung up.

I lowered the phone from my ear. I put the phone in my back pocket. I kicked a random garbage bag.

I then took a deep breath. "You're gonna be just fine" I whispered under my breath.

I then started walking home. When I got home I started thinking. They now know where I live.

I just changed my clothes and went to sleep.

Author's note

Short chapter I KNOW

Have a good day byee!!

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