the vampire

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Haerin's pov

I'm in the woods again. At the next location. I really don't want to do this but I'm too far to go back.

I walked in the building and some blood on the ground since this is a location someone has been killed already.

I sighed "how I hope I just find them so I don't have to do this everyday" I am getting tired of this case.

I was looking around and found a needle with a little blood on it. I know exactly from who the blood is.

I found the weapon that the dead person used to try and defend themselves. I put it in a plastic bag.

"I mean at least I found something" I stood up and put it in my bag.

"How did they not find this they had a whole team looking for clues" I don't get this anymore.

"Is the vampire.. trying to help me?" I mean could be "nah no way" I continue to look around a bit.

I heard a voice again "you're getting closer~" I turned around there was a person standing there I couldn't see who it was since they were standing in the shadow.

I held my gun up to the person "show yourself!" I yelled. They laughed "is this the way you guys normally frightened people~?"

Is the person sirieusly laughing with me right now " whatever" I shook my head.

They were laughing with me again. "Look sorry if I'm not scary enough but I'm a detective not a police officer so shut up" I argued.

They laughed again. I was getting annoyed. I just decided to walk out. "Where do you think you're going~?"

They asked me but they are behind me. It's the vampire. I turned around.

I saw a very good looking woman. Standing Infront of me. I lifted my gun up to their head. "You're the vampire" they laughed and nodded.

"Took you long enough~" I gulped. She put her arms up a bit. "C'mon put me in handcuffs aren't you suppose to be arresting me?"

I'm very confused but I got out some handcuffs. When I cuffed one hand she grabbed my arm and pulled me closer.

"What are you doing!?" I yell ask her. She put her finger on my lips "sshh" she shushed me.

I pulled away and successfully got free from her grip. I rubbed my wrist since it hurts a bit.

What the hell do I do now. I pulled out my phone to call the police. But she slammed the phone out my hands and on the ground.

I just stared at my now broken phone. "Well shit"

I sighed "can you just kill me already" I looked up at her and she was smirking. "What? we are at an abandoned places so just kill me I'm sick of living"

She came closer to me and grabbed my chin. Idk why but my face was getting hotter by looking at her.

Before I knew it she bit me. I winced in pain. She then let go. "So you gonna kill me now?" I asked inpatient.

She laughed and smirked. "You know I think I found the right person" she said kinda seductively.

"No no no way nu uh not happening" I said as I backed away and got my stuff ready to leave

I walked up the exit. The vampire then put her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder.

I was shocked by her actions. "You're not leaving~" she said in a ster voice. I gulped.

"I am I need to find a way to lock you up" I answered. "I can just kill you you know~"

I smiled "well if you do then that's you're los since you need me" she said she needs me since she probably found the person she 'eeded but why me!?

I can feel her grib tightening around me. Shit I mad her mad. "Well aren't you a very smart one" she said in her stern voice again.

"Well of course I am I'm a detective" we then heard some people come to were we are.

The vampire let's go of me. She grabs my arm and when I opened my eyes we are in my house!?

I let go of her hand "what the fuck are we doing here!?" I yell ask her. She just looks around.

She walks around a bit while I just go on my computer since my phone and computer are both connected.

She slams my computer shut. "Omg what is you're problem" I ask her. "Well I need you~" I just sighed.

"Get out of my house go away!" I yelled at her while I stood up. She put her finger on my lips again.

"We don't want to scare you're neighbours now do we~?" I groaned. "I know you were following me"

She grabbed my hand with the hand she had on my lips. She pulled me closer to her. "Then why didn't you say hi~?" I gulped we are so close.

She looked at me and her eyes went to my lips. After a while her eyes came back to my eyes.

She came closer and I started to panick. Then we heard a knock. She then sighed and backed away.

I went to the door. I opened it, it is my neighbour. "Oh hi Haerin" he greeted me. "Can I get in" I panicked since I don't want him to see her.

"No!" I said in a hurry. He looked shocked "oh well not right now since I am very busy and it's a mess in here"

He then nodded. "Right, well I wanted to ask if you might want to have some dinner with me?"


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