Chapter 9

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"This is shit."
Issei sighed as he cleaned his clothing from dirt.
"Maybe you're just really bad at it."
Raynare giggled, floating with her wings flapping  slightly.
'I sometimes regret giving her back some personality.'
Issei glared at her while his own wings started to move a little.
"Learning how to fly is hard okay?!"
He yelled at her with no real rage behind his voice.
Raynare rolled her eyes.
"Suuure, now c'mon try again!"
The moon shined down at his purple slightly bloody wings as he started floating few centimetres of the ground...before flipping forward and arranging a close personal meeting of his jaw and the ground.


Learning how to fly has proved to be...difficult for Issei and he has never flown with actual wing appendages.
It was mostly him being able  or glitch
through reality itself to get places he wanted. Started calling it teleporting later on as its easier.
Not to mention he could really only train at nights, which considering he does most of the things he normaly does at night, didn't make it easy for him, opposite really.
Currently he had one of his rarely free times, taking a late night walk.
Raynare was with him, walking next to him, as was Saber who was hidden in his shadow.
Taking a deep break of cold night air he felt, strangely at peace.
A slight smile was present on his face.
'You know one could get used to such silence and relaxing atmosphere.'
A loud bang echoed through the nightly silence and Issei felt his eye twitch.
"Me and my big mouth.
Raynare, hide but stay close by, Saber be ready to engage."
Raynare nodded and flew upwards dissapearing into the black sky and he could feel Saber's (frankly comforting) presence.
A glitch later and he was gone.


"Rias something is very wrong! She isn't supposed to be this strong!"
Yelled a black haired, very..gifted teenage girl.
"You think i didn't notice Akeno?"
Rias Gremory yelled in flustration back at her.
This was supposed to be an easy Stray Devik elimination.
Stray Devil Viser was registred as a low class Devil, one her peerage should have no problem why was she so strong?!
(AN: I'm not putting a pic here or even describing her here, just Google DxD Viser....but beware)
Then again.... There was something weird about her.
From her eyes and mouth, some...weird silver but mostly see through liquid was dripping.
Rias had no idea what it was but could it have been the reason for her sudden strenght grow ?
Not only strenght, her magical capabilities too but mainly,
Her durability.
She was tanking hits fron Koneko, almost ignoring Kiba's slashes and even Akeno's electrical magic attacks were shrugged off.
Thinking Viser was distracted by her allies, she charged a ball of Destruction energy and fired it.
By some miracle, Viser didn't notice it and the orb hit her straight on her chest.
Easily tearing through her leaving quite large sized hole right where her heart was supposed to be.
However instead of blood what came out of the wound was the silver-ish liquid.
Riser's head dipped down, hidding her eyes from the Devil's view.
Sudenly the silver liquid started darkening, before looking like a completely dark tar.
Viser's head snapped upwards the liquid leaking from her eyes and mouth also dark.
Her eyes completely black. No pupil, no sclera just pure dark.
With a feral scream and speed that should not exist is something its size she lunged at Rias.
Koneko, Kiba and Akeno all screamed shocked at the speed the stray showed.
Rias herself couldn't react in time before Viser was in front of her claws ready to slash Rias in half.
Rias could see her own life flashing in front of her eyes.
'Sorry guys, at least i don't have to deal with that Phenex i guess.'

A wet crunch filled the air.

Rias slowly oppened her eyes surprised at the lack of pain.
Issei Hyoudo was standing in between her and Viser, he was dressed in long dark purple buttoned up coat that made it hard to see what else he was wearing.
The back of his hand bled as he used it to block Viser's claws.
Both Issei's and Viser's hands were shaking, making it obvious they were both still trying to overpower one another.
"Are you all just gonna stand there, or are you gonna attack?"
That seemed to snap the three Devils who were some distance away from them, out of their shock. Kiba using his speed reacted first, appearing behind Viser slashing her back with a sword.
Next was Koneko, who slammed her fist at Viser's human face pushing her back, Viser ripping her claws out of Issei's hand in the progress.
Issei grunted in slight pain before covering his eyes as the room of the church light up with yellow lighting that shocked Viser.
Issei was watching this scene with interest.
Yelled Rias in both concer and happines.
"I'm fine Rias."
He answered while keeping his eyes at Viser.
"Your magic is the strongest out of all of you isn't it ? Am i right in assuming you made that hole in its chest.
"Y-yes but its like it completely ignores mortal wounds or even death! It just keeps coming back at us all over again!"
Rias didn't see Issei's hidden grin as he looked at the black liquid dripping fron Viser.
'Oh my have no idea how right you are.'
"Get ready to hit it with everything you got."
Rias turned to Issei but before she could question him, he was already gone.

Koneko was readying for another punch but stopped with wide eyes as Issei materiliased on Viser's monsterous back.
Slaming his injured hand with open palm as close to the hole Viser had in her chest as possible.
For few seconds nothing happened but then Viser started squirming in place and loudly screaming in pain.
The black liquid, slowly turning back to its silver-ish colour seemingly leaving her body, the liquid started moving from her insides to Issei's hand.
Some of it seemingly going to his pockets but most of it seeping into Issei's wounded hand. This went of for at least 40 seconds before Issei pulled his hand away and jump off of Viser.
He yelled and as he did Rias fired another orb of her Destruction magic, stronger this time obliberating Viser into nothing.
Rias slowly exhaled in exhaustion and her peerage did the same.
With a smile she turned around and.
"Thank you for the help Issei-Huh?"
But he was already gone.


Slowly walking with Raynare and Saber by his side Issei felt awesome.
Looking at his slowly regenarating hand and on a silver liquid locked in a glass tube Issei's face turned grim.
Not only that a remnant that could turn into its corupted counterpart.
Corupted remnant isn't natural, it was actually his own creation. That AND the fact living beings of this dimenison don't have high doses of remnant to begin with he was sure the creature back there was... enchanted by remnant and corupted version of it.
Aside from him, there were three other people who knew about corupted version of our favorite silver liquid.
Micheal would never created or test it on a another living being.
Cassidy ndidn't even know how to create it. He just told her it exists back in their shared hell.
Issei's smile twisted and stretched far more than it should be possible.
Both Raynare and Saber looked at him with raised eyebrowns.
When Issei spoke his voice was deep, echoing even if it had no reason to.
"Are you with me in this different realm as well...... Henry?

Didn't i tell you ? i always come backحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن