Chapter 1

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"This battle means everything, my freedom, my life, my love story. With everything on the line failure Is not an option. I must lead my team to victory and when the time is right to call forth my trump card. Until then I will do whatever it takes to win." A crimson haired girl said to herself as she stood before a man in a red and white suit with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Rias my dear you stand no chance against me, give up and accept your role as my wife, this is for the greater good of the devil race anyways." The man told the girl who narrowed her blue eyes.

"NEVER RISER, I don't belong to anyone and my heart already belongs to someone else, someone who means way more to me then you ever will. I won't go down without a fight I have to much on the line to give up." Rias yelled at Riser as she fired her Power of Destruction in the form of a dragon at him as he flew into the sky and shot his flames at her as she dove out of the way then sent another wave at his wings casing him to fall from the sky and hit the ground.

"Not a bad shot Rias, I will give you that much. But your team slowly grows weaker without them you stand no chance. I still have my queen as well as do you but mine will beat yours." Riser told her as she used her powers to brake the ground as Riser jumped back she ran forward and punched him in the face casing him to slam into the ground.

"YEA RIAS." A beautiful girl with black hair and purple eyes said as she battled against a woman with purple hair and eyes in a blue dress.

"Akeno, Your king stand no chance against mine, his healing abilities make him immortal. She can't win and will join his harem." The girl told the other girl who fired her lighting at her as she used a bomb to cancel out the attack.

"You're wrong, Rias will fight on until she wins. She has everything on the line." Akeno yelled to the girl who fired a bomb attack at her as Akeno jumped back but another sent her flying crashing into Rias who was in a hand to hand battle with Riser.

"See my dear my queen and I have the power to fight together." Riser said as she flew next to him as Rias and Akeno got up. "I will have to bring an end to this battle once and for all my dear. This is for the best of both worlds." Riser told her as he summoned a huge fireball as its power continued to grow. Rias looked in her pocket and saw the pice of paper with a seal marking on it.

Somewhere else

"You never stood a chance." In a deep forest was a handsome young man with blond hair blue eyes and a head band as he had a blue battle outfit on as he just slayed over 1000 undead monsters. "Maybe next time bring 100000." This was Minato, The Yellow Flash. "I better head back home." Minato said until he sensed something was wrong. "Rias, something is wrong." Minato quickly sat down and waved through hand signs and teleported away.

" Minato quickly sat down and waved through hand signs and teleported away

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"THIS IS WHERE YOU LOSE AKENO AND RIAS YOU FALL TO MY KING." Yubelluna yelled to the two as he finally threw the fire ball at the two as they used there power to protect themselves but slowly they where losing the battle until the attack disappeared much to everyone's confusion. "What happened?" Yubelluna asked her king who was just as confused as everyone looked and were stunned to see a handsome young man with blond hair blue eyes in a white cloaked battle outfit appear in front of the girls.

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