Chapter 155: After the Storm

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Takes place directly after the last chapter.

A staccato of pops and cracks filled the air and empty space fluctuated some before a bright flash heralded the arrival of multiple people by Portkeys.  Forms appeared from the air and some people stumbled and lost balance but no one truly fell over.  The smaller forms were connected with a cord and that helped them remain stable as they all found their footing.

“I love coming home,” Harry sighed as he stretched and took in the sight of the village.  “I’ll never get tired of it.”

“Me neither,” Katie smiled, hugging him and kissing him sweetly.  “Our home is amazing.”

“I still can’t believe you sold us the land for a Galleon,” Alicia said, shaking her head but smiling warmly at him.  “And we’ve lived here for years now.”

“Best investment I’ve ever made,” Harry smiled.

“Can we be let go now?” Alex and Abby asked together, tugging on the cord.

“I don’t know, I kinda like having you two tied down,” Angelina mused, holding onto it.  “Keeps you contained and out of trouble.”

“Saw that coming,” George sighed when Alex and Abby threw themselves forward at the same time and started dragging Angelina.  Startled, she was pulled along a short distance before she dug her feet in and hauled back, making the cord go taut and the two forces strained at each other.

“Wow, either they’re really strong or Angelina is really tired,” Hermione remarked.

“A bit of both honestly,” George chuckled.  “Then again, if they were both at peak, it still might be close.  Good girl for not joining them,” he praised and smiled when Hailey looked up at him flatly. 

“And saw that coming,” Fred said to much merriment when George was dragged off his feet by Hailey pulling on the cord.

“Don’t you even think it!” Alicia said sharply because she saw Hadley and Melanie actively thinking about it.

Harry smiled and undid the cord around Dahlia and Iris.  A few Impediment Charms kept the twins, Hailey, George, and Angelina in place and he undid the cords binding them.  “Be free and run along,” he said happily after freeing Melanie and Hadley.  After a flurry of hugs, the children ran off together with Heather being released by her mothers. 

Andromeda handed Lucas to an eager Jean and flexed her fingers lightly before grabbing Harry by the ear.  “Now let us have a talk about your latest deviation from good sense!” she scolded.

“Ow hey!” Harry winced.  “I was better this time around!  I subbed out more often with Shelia and Lizzie and didn’t overdo things!”

“Surfing on the broom all those times isn’t overdoing it?” Samantha chided.

“I’ve practiced it a lot and-ow MumAndi-and I know what I can handle and what I can’t!”

“Think about what we can handle sometimes!” Andromeda said loudly.

“You know, if you really feel the need to scold someone, you should scold Oliver too for instilling this sense into Harry at a young and impressionable age,” Hermione sniffed.

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