Chapter 5 : The Party

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          The investigator

           Sinking into my bed, I'm exhausted. Feeling deflated of being so close yet, so far. Dragging myself out of the warmth of my bed. I go to my setup, checking to see if there was any point of interest tied to the market. All that I could come up with was a get together being done near their location, by the looks of it I wouldn't need an invite to attend. Searching for information, it's at midnight but, there's no information on attire, I grab my suitcase that holds my clothing, searching through.

  "Guess I'm going shopping." I sigh closing it.

         Arriving at the shopping center, looking around to find a place that has any dresses. Finally finding one, as I walk in I'm met with a young man wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans.

  "Hi, welcome in." He greets with a warm smile. I nod towards him, before heading to the back. There's an array of colors and shimmers. I've never been one to get all dolled up so, all of this is a bit overwhelming. I spot a beautiful, slim, dark grey dress, with long sleeves. Grabbing it off the rack. I head to the dressing room.

      As I put it on I turn to look at myself in the mirror pulling my straight black hair to the side as my eyes widen I admire myself. My pale skin shinning through, the bright blue eyes looking back at me like I was a totally different person. I know what Ashley would've said if she had seen me.

  "See I told you. You're a smoke show.'' I smile at the thought as I start taking off the dress. After paying, I walk around looking to get some groceries while I'm out. Grabbing some frozen dinners I head home.

          Hours later I head to the bathroom, hanging the dress up on the door, before heading in to take a shower. After, I get on youtube looking at makeup tutorials. I will never understand how they're all so talented, finding a video on a simple dark shadow look. Many failed attempts later.

  "That'll have to do." I say examining my face. This is really making my eyes pop, satisfied I grab the dress slipping into it with a little struggle from the zipper, looking down realizing I have tennis shoes on, I search to find the only wedged hills I have. They're a dark shimmering blue. "I'm ready." I nod checking the location, I put the address in my phone and head out, grabbing my purse.

        Thanking the driver I follow the directions my phone is blabbing at me to take. Walking up to the entrance, stepping in line I notice theres a towering man out front checking IDs, which looks as if he were to huff in my direction that I'd be blown away. Getting closer, I can feel the anxiety rising within me, as I fidget with my purse to get my ID. I hear.

  "Go on in ma'am." as I look up, the bouncer smiles.

  "Just save me a dance. Would you?" Looking down at my purse I grab my ID, handing it to him with a smile.

  "Only if you do your job." I state, with a small smile.

  "Of course." He checks it, handing it back to me. Walking in, being met with flashbacks of Ashley, dancing in her bright red dress I saw her in last. Going to the bar, ordering a shot of vodka to get me through the night.

  "Hey, Serena."

    That voice, it sends shivers down my spine, as I turn seeing him in a dark blue suit with black accents down the sleeve with his hair slicked back.

  "Hello taxi man." I say. Shooting my shot back, sending the heat running down my throat.

  "Isn't it a bit rude that you know my name, yet you've never gave me yours?" I smile putting the shot glass down.

  "Oh, you would love to know my name, wouldn't you?" He asks leaning in.

   "Why are you even here?" I look up waiting for his answer. After a long pause he looks down at me smiling.

   "Obviously so you don't end up disappearing too. We wouldn't want that, would we?" He says with a smirk appearing across his smug expression.

   "Well duh, but I don't understand. Who even are you?" I ask looking up at him.

  "You really want my name?" He sits beside me, looking at me with sincere eyes.

  "No, I just asked you for no reason." I state.

He pauses, as if thinking of his next choice. "It's Owen, I help people that are in situations that your friend's in." He explains.

  "Wait, do you know where she is?" I ask sitting up looking at him with hopeful eyes.

  "Not at this very moment, I can't say much here." He looks around before stopping his gaze across the room.

  "I have to go." He smiles getting up.

  "Woah hold up, you can't just say something like that and try to walk away." I grab onto his sleeve, as he yanks his arm away he turns, leaning in.

  "We will talk later, but for now enjoy the party." With that he disappears into the crowd.

        Still sitting at the bar, scanning the room. I don't see anything, nothing at all from here. Standing I walk over to the sidelines of the dance floor. Trying to see if there was any chance of me getting into the back. There were guards at each back-way. If I were to get an opening where I can sneak past, I have to take that chance. Waiting for what feels like hours, one of the guards move towards the bar, with that I slowly move towards the corner closest to the doorway. All it takes is a glance, just one glance away from my direction.

      There it was, I swiftly slide into the doorway. Tiptoeing, I head down the dark, moist hallway, before realizing it leads to a way out. Peeking my head out I see around four guards getting into a black SUV squinting, there's people in the back but, I can't make out what they look like. As the car starts up, I pull my head in. Waiting on the car to start driving. Peeking out when I hear the tires, looking in the back. I see Owen and a young girl, my eyes widen as our gaze meet. He holds one finger up mouthing "Shhh." As the car is covered by the darkness of the night.

  "Ma'am?" A guard steps in front of me "This area is off limits. Follow me." He demands. Walking behind him out of the back room.

  "Thak youu, I go-t a lil' lost." I say in slurred speech to come off as wasted.

  Heading into the crowds of people dancing till the guard's eyes left me finally getting a chance and heading to the exit. Knowing there might have been cameras back there I have to leave.

        Finally getting home around 5am. I head straight to the bathroom, wetting a rag scrubbing my face clean.

  "You're so reckless." I state to my reflection, taking my clothes off, hopping into the shower. As the water cleanses my skin of my struggles and worries I sink down into the tub. I let everything out, sobbing into my knees. By the time I laid down it was 6:30am. Being woken up by a knock on my door. Looking at the clock it's 4:28pm sitting up, waiting to see if someone was really at the door. I hear another knock followed by

   "Serena, it's Owen."

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