Chapter Twenty

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It turned out the incessant phone calls from Cassie were due to the fact she'd apparently scheduled Hannah for a radio interview in London, and a load of other media duties, that she'd forgotten to tell her about. In the back of her mind Hannah couldn't help but wonder if the whole thing was an elaborate ruse to get her out of Monaco and away from Lando as soon as possible.

She'd gone along with it either way, still not entirely sure if she was just being paranoid. Cassie had offered to fly to London to come with her but Hannah had told her it wasn't necessary and to enjoy her break. She'd spent another night in Monaco, alone in her hotel room staring at the ceiling trying to get her head together, before heading back to the airport to catch her flight to London.

It was an interview for BBC radio and then she was supposed to play a selection of songs from the new album for their Live Lounge. She didn't mind, it was her favourite kind of interview. The questions wouldn't drag on forever as they had to allow time for the music.

She'd turned up at the studio early, she hadn't been anywhere or done anything without Cassie to organise her in years and she'd been too paranoid about being late.

They'd welcomed her though and set her up with a coffee while she awaited her turn. She felt weirdly underprepared, usually Cassie would have a list of pre-prepared answers for the questions and be briefing her to make sure she didn't say the wrong thing. But other than a quick text to check that she'd remembered to go and wishing her luck, she hadn't had much to say.

Her time had come and they waved her into the studio, she sat down opposite the presenter who'd interviewed her several times before.

"For those of you just joining us, we are absolutely delighted to have Hannah Scott here in the studio with us today. She's going to be telling us all about her tour and new album, before she heads over to the Live Lounge for us."

"Thanks for having me, it's great to be back." Hannah smiled.

They went through all the questions she'd expected about the tour and she found herself relaxing, chatting away about all the travel, the team involved and where she'd been so far.

"So those who have listened to the new album will be familiar with the song 'I can do it with a broken heart' and there's been some speculation that this might be about your tour. What can you tell us?"

Hannah hesitated for a moment, taking a breath  before she spoke. "I don't think it's a secret that this has been an incredibly difficult year for me, personally." She said softly, looking down at her hands as she searched for the words. "My whole life has completely changed since I started this tour and I'm certainly not the same person I was when I started. We don't need to get into the ins and outs of who said what, but everyone will know my relationship with Joe ended in the middle of the US leg of the tour. To have to keep the show on the road, get up there every night and perform regardless, to make sure the fans get the experience I want them to have- it's been a real challenge. I think sometimes people forget that I'm a real person with very real emotions at the end of the day."

"There's been a lot of speculation about the new album and your relationship with Lando Norris online. How does he feel about the album? Have you spoken to him?" He asked.

Hannah couldn't help but smile and the interviewer looked surprised by her reaction. This was the question she'd been waiting for, the chance to set the record straight. "I've got to say, as much as I wish I could produce an album that quickly it's just impossible. This album has been in the works for the best part of a year and was half way done before I'd even met Lando. I think people are reading into it what they want to, which is fair enough it's theirs to interpret at the end of the day, but yeah, the ideas people have got about the timings are pretty off if I'm being honest."

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now