Chapter Eight

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It's been 2 weeks living with Khumo and she's like a rash, she's everywhere in the kitchen everything smells like her. My entire apartment smells like her.

I can't get used to her although we live together but it's like we strangers we don't talk to each other or greet one another.

It's like she's trying to prove a point. She gets under my skin without doing anything.

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Today I decided to go check the club, since Bhekumbuso is out of the country majority of the businesses are in my care. Opalite is one of our many businesses that we use to clean money but the taxi business got us here.

"Sanele just the man I wanted to see." Mr khumalo he says joining me at the railing before his eyes dip below.

Mr khumalo is a trusted client of ours. He brings in many and we clean it in exchange for keeping us out of jail and protection. It's all about connections in this life of sin.

"Ngingakwenzelani Khumalo?" I ask khumalo my voice sharper then intended.

"Always uptight Ndlovu loosen up." Khumalo's chuckle is low and dark. "Ngangisendaweni futhi wanquma ukuza ukubheka ukuthi ibhizinisi lihamba kanjani."

I swallow a mouthful of whiskey. It slides down my throat and burns my chest."Siyabonga." I sneer.

"Uzwile ukuthi uyashada." He pounds me on the back. "Congratulations on scoring one of your enemies daughter."

I'm probably sure Khumalo heard the news from Modise that man can't wait to marry off his daughter. I wonder what he said to Khumo that made her agree to this marriage quicker then I thought.

I just nod and leave him standing there by himself. I motion the bartender for another refill. I'll definitely be needing it inorder to get through the night. My idea of a good night is having a sex where there a no strings attached.

"Please bring it to my office." I tell the bartender I finally get to office and see Nkosi there, my brother stares at me I'm seated across from him.

"Ini kungani ubheka?" I slump into my chair. " Yini isimo esiphuthumayo."

Nkosi shakes his head, going all disappointed on me.

"Are you seriously going to ignore your wife might I add inorder to make this partnership work there must be some sort of relationship between you." His voice is deceptively calm.

"Umuntu wakho wokugcina ukungitshela okufanele ngenzani emshadweni wami." I meet my brother's eyes without flinching. "Phuma ezindaba zami bheka ezindaba zakho obusy uenza o Dr. phil hamba o
lungisa zakho." I add.

He let's out a harsh breath." Wafona engitshela ukuthi ubhorekile ngase penthouse." He says.

Bitterness surges my throat thinking why would my finance call my brother emtshela ukuthi ubhorekile. She's going to get married to me hhayi yena.

"Hamba oyojabulisa angthi ku Nkosinathi the entertainer." I say between gritted teeth feeling a hint of jealous brewing.

" Ngiyahamba vele, futhi ngethemba ukuthi uzokuhlanza inhliziyo yakho kulobu buhlungu unayo towards oKhumo." He stands and leaves.

My hands ball into fists. The thought that I almost punched my brother because of Khumo send a disgusting impulse through me.


I decided to come home to tell khumo that I have a business trip to Durban for a 2 days and I'll be back on the day of the Gala dinner. Where in all honesty I'm just going to be at dineo's house.

My jaw tighten when another sound of laughter floated over from the pool.

Khumo and Nkosinathi have been talking for the past seven minutes. Not just talking-smiling and laughing I think this is the first time I've seen her full set of teeth since she moved here.

Irritation pierced my chest when she laughed and something he said.

I was already halfway to the pool.

"Sorry I took long." Khumo's body tensed as I rested my hand on her bare back and pinned Nkosi with a hard stare." Thank you for keeping my Fiancée company but I'm afraid it's for you leave I've got something to discuss with my Fiancée." I placed a big emphasis on the word Fiancée.

"Of course bafo." Nkosi stood up. "Makoti, it was nice talking to you. Bafo I'll see you." And he left.

"Next time you wanna prove that your balls are bigger then him, please do that without using me as bait." Khumo said as Nkosi left. "And keep your hands to yourself."

"That was the only way to get him out of my house." I said stiffly. "And don't worry about being bait if you were never the target "

"That's good to hear." Khumo said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'll be flying to Durban tonight to sort business that side and I'll be back on the day of the Gala dinner." I said coldly.

"Well hope you have a safe flight and I'll see on the day of the Gala." She said with no emotion whatsoever.

I know it's selfish of me to do this to her. Leaving her to be in the arms of another woman but I need this or else I'm going to end up strangling her to death.

The announcement of our engagement is going to happen within two days and after that it will be the wedding and the only to get out of this marriage is death.

No divorce.

Updates will be slow, I'll be starting exams soon

I'll try to upload a chapter whenever I can

I smell something brewing while Sanele is cozied up in the arms of another woman

Countdown to the Gala dinner:

2 days left

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