Chapter 13-The Assassin of the Mist and The Dragon.

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"Ninjakind knew that they cannot change society. So instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the samurais"

Journey to the Land of Waves Arc Part 2

In order to get to their destination, the party of Team Seven and the two samurais were required to take a boat to the Land of Waves. They had to get there through a dense fog and an engineless boat to avoid being seen by any potential threats.

Kakashi: Mr Tazuna, before we reach our destination, there's something I want to ask you. The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore.

Tazuna explains to the party that a corrupt short wealthy man by the name of Gato is after his life. He came to the Land of Waves one year ago where he used his vast wealth to take over it because he wanted to rule the sea of that area so that his business would flourish. The bridge builder also explains how hell broke loose as Gato wrestled for control with the late Silver Samurai Kenuichiro Harada before ultimately winning in the end due to Gato having a superior army at the time. The bridge Tazuna was building would join the Land of Waves to another land. This action alone would break his control of the area.

Kakashi asks Tazuna why he kept this information hidden from them to which he responds by explaining how the Land of Waves is a place where people live in poverty and therefore would have struggled to hire ninjas beyond C class. He proceeds to talk in a way which guilt trips the party to helping him but not before Y/N could launch a cheeky remark.

Y/N: I don't mind helping you but you better build something in my name you old geezer for disrespecting me when we first met.

Tazuna: Tch....Cheeky samurai!

Finally the party arrives ashore and they proceed to walk through the forest.

Naruto: I'm not letting Sasuke get all the glory this time. Believe it!

Naruto walks ahead of everyone and begins to look out for any potential danger.

Naruto: Over there!

Using his instincts he begins to throw kunai at a bush which sends the party to a bit for a scare minus the two samurais

Kakashi, Sakura & Tazuna: Huh?!

With nothing happening, Naruto with a confident smug look draws his conclusion.

Naruto: It was just a mouse

This annoys both Sakura and Tazuna who make their fury known while Kakashi voices his annoyance. Sasuke on the other hand does not seem impressed with Naruto's antics.

Sakura: Mouse?! Yeah right! Everyone can see through your stupid act, you're so obvious it's embarrassing!

Kakashi: Naruto! Those are kunai knives, they're dangerous 

Sasuke: Hmph.....

Tazuna: Grrrrrr! Stop trying to scare me you scruffy little dwarf!

Ignoring his party, Naruto continues to scout his surroundings.

Naruto: Hey, is someone hiding over there? *Looks around with hand on his forehead* No, they're over there.

On cue on another bush, something catches Kakashi's attention and he was not the only one to notice something as Naruto throws another kunai in that direction.

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