The introvert

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first story guys and I would like to welcome you guys to a world of fantasy with me you're authoress Soo back to the story
A/N:The pictures or video are not mine
Sia's pov
The morning light hits my face and I wake up to yet again another beautiful day I got up from my king size bed entering my luxurious bathroom sometimes I wonder why I'm so lucky I've got billionaires as parents,my parents are the owner of the billion dollar company "SALVATORE CORPS " it ranks second in worlds richest company and yes I'm Sia Salvatore I got out of the bathroom and just then I heard a knock on the door
"Who's there" I said on the other side I hear a maid's voice from the other side of the door "ma'am your parents are asking for you" ,okay I'll be there in a minute, she left then I went into my walk in closet which I'm sure is as big as someone's apartment I sit on a stool and dried my hair I tied it in a messy bun because it's Sunday and I don't plan on going anywhere I decided to wear a below the knee yellow flora gown and I sure looked cute I admired my features in the mirror I had ocean blue eyes which were rare and the center of attention cause neither of my parents had it, I had long blonde hair like really long it's so hard to style it's just above my butt I trim it frequently but it still grows really fast I had curves like really cute curves that any guy would die for I'm like 5foot 4 any skin glows naturally I'm flawless and I'm 22 I walked out of the closet heading outside to see my parents waiting for me in the dinning area I smiled at them "morning dad, morning mom"
"How was your night my princess" dad said
"Great as always"I replied
"How are you baby" mum said
"I'm good mum" I replied
"Why are you guys dressed up I thought you don't go to work on Sundays"
"Honey your mum and I want to discuss something with some business partners we would like you to accompany us"
"Dad I can't I don't go out on Sundays"
"Please honey just go get dressed" mum said
I walked up to my room I go into the walk in closet again
Since it's something business related I wore my dark blue carminsu and a black suit I wear my black heals and wore my diamond wrist watch and earrings I was thinking on how to style my hair I just packed it into a neat bun with great difficulty and brings two strings out in front and there my look is complete I didn't wear any make up because I don't need it I walked down the stairs meta my parents and the led they way out we got into the latest Lamborghini Gallardo and drove to an unknown destination after a hour or thereabout the car stopped I looked up and saw the most beautiful and big sky scrapper I've ever seen it was so beautiful the gates were made out glass so was the entire building but you couldn't see the inside the glasses were tinted the gate automatically opened and there lay the most beautiful sight ever there was a water fountain and lots of other things I was in awe we walked in to the house and my the inside were so beautiful I was stunned we sat down on their soft white sofa and then realization hit me this looks like a billionaire home I decided to ask my dad "dad what are we doing here"
"We're meeting a client" oh
Just then I saw the most handsome man ever he had jet black hair and hazel green eyes and damn he had the body of a god he looks like he's in his late forties I immediately recognized him as Ethan Gonzalez the richest man in the world the owner of"GONZALEZ INDUSTRIES" right beside him stood his wife she was she was so pretty she had brownish hair and silver coloured eyes she was really stunning she seemed like she was in her early forties just then I noticed a family picture, their family picture I saw this two people then I see another pair of silver eyes not just silver It was mixed with a touch of hazel green and I thought my eye color was rare he had jet black hair his hair was partially long if I thought this guy in front of me was a god then this guy must be beyond a god damn maybe his their only son
Just then they started talking
"So Mr Gonzalez how have you been doing" dad said
"Quit the formalities Williams were about to be in laws"
Did I just hear in-laws I didn't have any sibling so what did they mean by in-laws I'll just let that be
"Okay Ethan, I can't seem to see Mateo where is he"
"He is not around he is handling some business matters"
"Elizabeth you have been awfully quiet, is there anything wrong" asked Dad
"No dear"
"Forgive our manners Ethan meet my daughter Sia" said mum
I quickly greeted "good day sir"
Don't call me sir call me uncle , Ethan said
Okay sir I mean uncle
"This is my wife Isabella"
"Hi dear "she said
"Good day ma'am" I quickly responded
"Quit the formalities, call me aunt"
"Okay ma'am I mean aunt"
I sat down not paying attention to what they were saying I was on my phone until I heard them exchanging good byes I quickly stood up and bid them good bye to
We left there mansion and got back to ours around 5pm I was so exhausted and hungry I quickly rushed to the kitchen and made some really simple beef,bread and orange juice I quickly ate and went to shower before I went to bed I slept early because I had lectures tomorrow I was a medical student and a business student both in final year I got into business because of its my dream.

Please vote and comment for more update the story gets juicer from here and sorry for the long chapter 💌🤍🖤

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