Sweet and Savory

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It's just a mere dream so continue reading if you don't like this scene inform me in the comment section

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He squeezed her tits Sia let out a slight moan "please Mateo I'm sorry"she muttered admits her moan
He carried her to the bed and tied her hand to the bed rest removes her shirts and her pants leaving her with her Victoria secret undies
Mateo smirked I'll finally have you bella he said while caressing her thighs going upwards and grabs one of her tits squeezing it and pinching her nipples suddenly someone started saying Mateo Mateo Mateo I woke up gosh it felt so real I looked down and saw my hard groin he looked up and saw Sia waking me god I fucked up Big time
I walk in and see Mateo sleeping on some files I started waking him up Mateo Mateo Mateo he woke up feeling devastated I ignored it and told said "Mateo please don't do this I don't want my parents to go bankrupt I pleaded , very well the marry me Mateo said,I can't marry you please I'll give you whatever you want I pleaded again"get out of my office now"he shouted please Mateo I said"leave now "he said in a cold and stern voice I immediately left
I felt so annoyed especially since she was still offering me material things like I need them,I called my Dad
Mateo:Dad, please withdraw 25%of shares from the Salvatore corps
Ethan:why my dear
Mateo: please just do it if you love me
Ethan: okay son but when you get home please tell me what really happened okay?
Mateo:yes Dad
"Fucked our company is getting bankrupt"Williams cried out
What is happening Elizabeth said gosh just then they see Sia walking
Elizabeth runs towards her and said"what happened we've just lost another 25%making it 50% if we lose just 1%more we'll no longer be the 2nd biggest company again I mean we're barely holding up" with that Sia said"I have to go I'm late for lectures
I got into my car and started driving to school while driving I called my bestie Ava and updated her on everything that happened and told her to wait for her outside the uni once I hanged up I feel into deep thought what if I had just let him have me what would have happened gosh I feel so awful my parents must be trying their best to get back the 50% hmmm
Sia reached the uni and saw a
Ava hi avie "wait wait wait,so you mean to say that you slapped the heir of the Gonzalez,their successor twice and now he wants to get back at you by marrying you"she yelled stop yelling please Avie people are staring Sia said "sowie"ava said while pouting her lips she continues saying"marry him is not that bad I mean if I was you I'll marry him before my company goes bankrupt"ava said while staring at Sia "Do you think is a good idea?" Sia asked "it's a great idea" Ava said "hurry hurry go and meet him I'll write down notes for you dear go"ava persuaded
Sia's pov
I ran towards my car driving towards Mateo's company when I got there I ran towards his office when I got him I saw him with someone a really cute guy he was almost as tall as Mateo but he had blonde hair with dark green eyes I suddenly hear some one calling my name Sia sia Mateo said why where you ogling at my friend when I'm supposed to be your husband my cheek suddenly turned rosy pink because of the embarrassment I wasn't staring
Mateo was in his office informing his best friend Steve swayer about the happening in his life then suddenly Sia came rushing in to his office ogling at Steve which irked mateo

🖤🤍hey fams the story keeps getting blissful
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