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A bunch of sports stuff just cuz i like sports and so do the group.

Aria's P.O.V.

"I- hate- gym," Ellie gasps for breath behind me. I shake my head.

"I thought you played volleyball," I smirk. I haven't even broke a sweat. Basketball drills everyday do that for you.

"I do, but we don't run a mile during games!" She whines. Mia comes up behind me, unfazed.

"Ellie, deal with it," She states, "Complaining isn't gonna get you anywhere." Mia could run even more than I could. Soccer is not very easy on your legs. If I can run 5 miles, she can run 10.

Across the gym, I spot Felix. He's joking around with most of the guys. He's pretty popular for what it's worth, even if he won't admit it. Gilly got it all wrong when she said he was quiet. He's talkative, and loud, and funny, and kind, and ca- stop, Aria.

I refocus my attention, and find Felix has stopped what he's doing and is looking at me. I wave, and he waves back. Our gym is split so that the boys stay on one side, and the girls stay on the other. Which is sad for Mia and Cory, who obviously like each other. And Ellie and James. I need to work on a better ship name the Elames, though it'll have to do for now. Coria though? Perfection.

I hear a whistle, signaling for the kids that haven't finished the mile run to stop. Mia and I finished as one of the first, same with James and Felix. Ellie came up just a few minutes ago, and Cory is out for a doctor's appointment.

"Alright!" Mrs. Dorlas's voice echoes through the gym. "Next, we're gonna play dodgeball. I'll assign you a number 1 and 2, and you'll go to the corresponding side." She assigns us to our groups, and I'm happy to say that Felix, Mia and I are in the same team. Now it doesn't even matter who the others are, we're definitely gonna win.

I'm right, we win with only 3 people out on our side. Not surprisingly, James is the last one to be in, but we eventually get him out. I high five Fee and Mia before going to grab a drink from the water fountain outside. 

I walk out to find it out of order. Oh well, I'll get my water bottle after class. As soon as I enter the gym, a bunch of water sprays into my face. My face twists into a scowl.

"Grimm, Jared do it one more time and you won't live to see another day," I warn the stupid jerk.

"That was an accident," He blinks innocently, "I would never do such a thing on purpose!" My scowl deepens as I wipe the water off my face. Azzy comes up behind him.

"J!" She scolds, "You have to be more careful with your water bottle." She turns to me with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry Aria," She says. Azzy's nice enough, but her boyfriend? Total garbage bin. And she just always stands up for him, believing that he still has hope. I already have bets on them breaking up by mid-8th grade. Azzy leaves, and Jared immediately changes.

"No one likes you," He sneers, "Not even your little boyfriend." Then, he walks away. I raise an eyebrow. Why's he acting like this? He's mean, but he doesn't usually say that kind of stuff. It's more like, dirtbag, and goober. Stupid stuff like that. Felix comes up behind me.

"You ok?" He questions. I nod.

"Alright, well we're doing basketball next," He informs me as we file back into the gym. Yeah, our gym classes are pretty long. Ironic, considering this is a school where we learn about schools.

Every week on Wednesday's, there's a girls basketball game, and a boys basketball game. Today is one of the days that I play. My team for the game is Mia, Azzy, Ellie, Marla, and me. The other team is Samantha, Dahlia, Raina, and 2 girls I don't know. We win 27-5 with Marla and I scoring majority of the points.

Next is the boy's game, and Felix's team wins 25-10. I notice that Felix puts up the most points, even getting a few 3's. After the games, our gym teacher allows us another water break. I walk out of the school and once I've reached the corner of the sidewalk, I take the time to check my phone for any new messages.

One appears at the top of my screen, and I quickly scan through it. It's just dad telling me that the court case will be tomorrow. Then, another text pops up. When I see who it is, I nearly drop my phone. I don't bother reading the actual text.

"Snowflake? You ok?" Felix comes up behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. He looks over my shoulder, and his grip tightens.

"Why is she texting you?" His voice comes out barely above a whisper.

"I don't know," I reply, shaking. I take a deep breath before reading the text.


Mom: I don't know why you killed him, but tomorrow justice will be served. You'll be given the right punishment for his murder and tricking your poor father. I hope I never see your ugly face again.

By the end, I'm not shaking in fear. I'm shaking with anger.

"I hate her," I shut my eyes, "I hate her I hate her I hate her." Felix gives me a hug, and my anger dissolves into sadness. I cry into his shoulder.

"Why does she do this," I sob, "She hates me. She always has, and now I know why. It's because I'm royal, and she knows. She knows, and she thinks that's bad. Felix, I hate that even though I haven't seen the princesses in literal years, she still thinks I'm a stuck up snob."

"Your mom's an idiot," He deadpanned. I let out a small laugh. Only Felix could make me smile when I'm crying.

"I know, I should just block her," I sniffle. My anger is coming back now though. "But before that, I've got one last message to send."


Mom: I don't know why you killed him, but tomorrow justice will be served. You'll be given the right punishment for his murder and tricking your poor father. I hope I never see your ugly face again.

Aria: I don't know how many times I'll have to tell you to get it into that small peanut sized brain of yours, but I didn't kill him. Your 'sweet little baby' wasn't as sweet as you thought, but if you really cared about me, you would know that by now. I should've known that you knew, then I wouldn't have spent so much time trying to get you to love me. That's all I wanted. I guess that's never gonna happen. So I guess I'll wish you luck for the case. You're gonna need it.

I take a deep shuddering breath in. The last part was true. Ever since I first came to the village, I've just wanted Renee to love me. To make me feel at home. It never happened. I still remember when I stopped trying. I was 8, and it was right before Will started... yeah.

"Felix, I gotta tell you something," I whisper. He nods, and I know he'll listen.

Guys, I'm so sorry for not updating, I didn't even realize what day it was. I'll try to update more often, I promise. The next chapter is already in the works.

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