Chapter 2: The Rainbow Spectrum

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What if people could see beyond mere appearances? What if there are those who already possess such a gift? On the planet Earth, in an alternate reality, dwell remarkable individuals, born with an extraordinary aura surrounding their heads. This aura serves as an indicator of the true essence of the person before you.

The best minds of this alternate reality have identified a spectrum of souls that have graced their world:

White (Light): These souls are the epitome of altruism, striving for harmony, love, and spiritual enlightenment. They are highly valued in society, and their actions are guided by divine voices.

Green: The guardians of the environment, these individuals are akin to forest caretakers, protecting all living beings and healing nature itself. They embody kindness and act purely from the heart.

Violet: Creators and innovators, these souls bring progress to the world, albeit with a hint of selfishness. Despite this, they contribute significantly to society's advancement.

Neutral Spectrum (Gray): A balance between good and evil, these individuals have the freedom to choose their path. While some may lean towards darkness, others strive for the light.

Orange: Rebels and dissenters, emotionally volatile and unpredictable, they challenge authority and reject societal norms.

Red: Outcasts and criminals, driven by aggression and selfishness, they bring harm to others in pursuit of their own desires.

Black: The embodiment of absolute evil, these individuals revel in darkness and seek to dominate others through violence and chaos.

Rainbow Spectrum: Two-faced and deceitful, these individuals manipulate others for their own gain, changing their demeanor at will.

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