Chapter 5 :An Unexpected Turn of Heart ; Sara's dream world Dream 2

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After waking up from her alarm she called one of her friends and told her about the dream that she had seen and then her friend suggested her to fall asleep as it was the middle of the night she again went to sleep and dreamed about both of them.
In the quaint yet bustling town of Green bridge, Sara's life took an unexpected turn one sunny afternoon. After her recent encounter with Zayn, a charming foreign exchange student who sparked an unforeseen connection, Sara found herself heading to college filled with a whirlwind of emotions. The serene path to her institution, adorned with the golden hues of autumn, provided no solace to her racing heart. Each step echoed with the laughter and conversations they shared, leading her into a deep, reflective silence.
As the college buildings loomed ahead, a sudden flashback enveloped Sara in a suffocating embrace. Memories of a darker time in her life, ones she thought she had locked away, cascaded before her eyes. Overwhelmed and faint, she collapsed, her descent halted by the strong arms of a stranger. In that moment of vulnerability, she clung to him, finding an unexpected comfort in his presence. The fragrance of his cologne, a blend of sandalwood and citrus, lingered in her senses, engraving his essence in her memory before darkness claimed her consciousness.
Awakening in the sterile confines of a hospital, surrounded by concerned faces, Sara's mind raced to identify her mysterious savior. The doctors spoke of a young man named Ali, a revelation that struck a chord of disbelief within her. For Sara knew an Ali from a distant past, one whose paths could never intertwine with hers again. Or so she thought. Upon her return home, tended by a nurturing mother and a cocoon of familial warmth, Sara's thoughts were a tumult of confusion and unanswered questions.
Resuming her college routine, albeit with a heart still mending from recent shocks, Sara encountered Zayn once more. His sudden, inexplicable marriage proposal left her reeling, fleeing from the prospect without a backward glance. It was amidst this chaos, in her haste and turmoil, that she crashed into Ali. That moment of collision was electrifying, locking them in an intense gaze that seemed to suspend time, leaving Sara with a haunting sense of déjà vu. It wasn't just their physical stumble, but the precipice of emotions it unearthed.
Ali's steadfast denial of being her rescuer only deepened the mystery swirling between them. His dismissive stance and enigmatic aura fueled a frustration within Sara, driving her to confront him with a fervor she didn't know she possessed. The intensity of their altercation, followed by a reluctant offer of friendship from Ali, left Sara grappling with a tumult of feelings - a cocktail of intrigue, resentment, and an inexplicable pull towards him.
Amidst the rollercoaster of emotions with Ali and the unresolved equation with Zayn, Sara found herself at a crossroad. The stark contrast in her interactions with both, from Zayn's premature proposal to Ali's abrasive yet caring demeanor, threw her inner world into chaos. The turmoil wasn't just about choosing between them but confronting her own heart's desires and fears. As Ali and Sara's paths entwined further, questions loomed large - about fate, choices, and the strange ways in which the heart finds its truth.
In the heart of Greenbridge, where autumn leaves whispered tales of change, Sara's journey of self-discovery intertwined with the lives of Zayn and Ali, setting the stage for revelations that promised to either mend or irreparably change the course of their lives. In a story that began with a fainting spell and an inadvertent rescue, the essence of human connections, confrontations, and the quest for understanding one's heart unraveled, promising an adventure of emotional depth and discovery.
Her mom woke her up and then she pinched her self to see whether it is reality or is it a dream. She thankes God after realizing that it was a dream, then she got ready and went to the college and it was the last day of Ali at the college so she tried to have one on one final conversation with him.
Will Ali finally confess to her about his feelings for? What will happen with zayn? Will it be happy ending or a new beginning for Sara?
Stay connected for the upcoming chapters.
To be continued...
Author - Azra Habib

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