The Targaryens of Summerhall

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Author's Note: Sorry for the late post; I try to post weekly around the same time, but I'm graduating college on Thursday, and I have been swamped with emailing professors and making sure grades are finalized. I don't get stressed easily, but two professors are really testing my patience in this process; I had no issues all semester until the week before graduation. So yeah, I'm tired. But trust me when I say I will still try to post weekly. Sorry for rambling.

The next three or four chapters depict Aemon's time as ruler of Summerhall alongside his aunts right before the Heir's Tourney; it'll help show their dynamic and flesh out their characters and relationships not only with Aemon with his aunts but his aunts with each other as sisters. It was hard for me, in the beginning, trying to make six, almost OC characters since they are in the ASOIAF Universe but don't have much more than mentions in the books, but now I feel a bit more confident about how I am going to make them and deal with them. I will say that right now, one of them, in particular, is going to do something in the next chapter, and I am excited to see your reactions to the situation. You will notice there is a disconnect between what the kingdoms see Aemon as and who he truly is. Now, with all that said and done. Don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy it.

Aemon Targaryen

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of amber and rose, Aemon Targaryen emerged from the depths of slumber, his resolve unyielding even in the face of the early hour. Rising long before the sun had fully ascended the horizon, he embraced the solitude of the morning, a time when the world still slumbered, and he could steal away into the quiet embrace of his private training grounds.

Ghost lay by the bed; the white wolf was far larger than Aemon had recalled him ever being, even in his life as Jon Snow. Closer to the size of a bear now than a wolf or a horse, he chose to believe it was due to the fact that Westeros was filled with far more magic than it did during the life of Jon Snow. Ghost was so large that it was growing difficult to keep the wolf around when Aemon was walking through the castle. His aunts had suggested Aemon having something akin to a Kingsguard, but Ghost, more than not, was more than enough in any situation. But now, the wolf could barely fit through the secret passageways, and Aemon had to consider the proposal at least.

While Aemon did not have much time for self-study, which was an important thing if a lord wanted to be a head of other lords any topic and choose to sell off information for position or power, Aemon did look into several things in concern to magic. He had even made sure to give larger budgets and donations to the study of magic in the Citadel of Summertown, partially in hopes of inspiring more interest in it rather than hatred as the Hightowers did, which helped lead to the maester aiding the demise of the dragons in the life of Jon Snow, Aemon prayed the plan worked because having to burn down both Citadels and making a new form of education was not something he desired nor had the time to do. He even had supplied two guilds in the city, in secret, of course, one of magic and sorcery, and the other case was the study of creating wildfire. He had several ideas of how to use it should the need arise in war.

From the research, Aemon did learn that dragons do not make magic and saturate the air in magic; no, they pull magic towards them. And the more magic there was in a place, the larger the creatures who fed off magic, such as dragons and dire wolves, became. But the adverse to this was that the larger the dragon, the larger the need for magic, leaving less for the smaller ones and making it more difficult for dragons to hatch and grow; however, Daenerys the Mad Queen would eventually confirmed that fire, blood, and life would be able to compensate such things for there is magic in both life and death, and dragons are fire made flesh while being bound to Valyrian blood. He still needed to research how the dragon lords of Valyria countered this; he doubted they used the same practices as Daenerys did. He supposed it had to do with the Anogrion, but Aemon did not know and would not know until he visited Valyria, which he planned to do at some point in hopes of finding something to aid in the future Long Night. He still needed to confirm if raising dragons in the cold rather than heat would affect them too drastically or if the magics and wide open spaces were enough to nullify it; near the Wall, there was much magics and open skies and forests, and Aemon hoped that the magics and open spaces was enough to counter the need for heat so that he did not have too many dragons in one place such as Dragonstone and King's Landing.

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