{Meet the Targaryens}

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the story so far. I know it is crazy that I posted three times in almost five days, but I graduate from college tomorrow on Thursday and have decided to do something extra. These are more or less what I envisioned the characters looking like, and due to the next chapter being more than likely the last before the first episode of House of the Dragon, I thought now was as good a time as any to post how they look going through the rest of the series. Shout out to @Choejhulkp9 and @KasiaVera; while I was going to make the images for how I saw them, eventually, they helped me expedite it.

Please vote and comment. I would love to hear your thoughts on the story and what you think will happen. Now that I am writing this, I would like to know how you think I made Viserra, Maegelle, Saera, Aerea, Rhaella, and Daenerys. How have I dealt with their relationship with Aemon so far? What do you think of their characters? It gets hard making six almost OC characters; I did do something similar with my last fanfic, which I think I am going to re-edit eventually, but doing six characters is drastically harder in comparison. Thanks again!


Titles: Princess of Summerhall, Viserra the Beautiful, the Red Desire

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Titles: Princess of Summerhall, Viserra the Beautiful, the Red Desire

Princess Viserra Targaryen is often named the most beautiful of her sisters and, without contest, the most alluring with excellent cause. Her lilac eyes are light, almost pale, and she, out of all her sisters, takes pride in her figure and delights in teasing and revels in the squirming of squires as she showcases her lustful gaze, mind, and body. Viserra took pride in her ample, lustful body, claiming it was a gift from the Valryian gods. Pale, buxom and beautiful, with typical Valyrian coloring, large pale purple eyes, and long, thick silvery hair that falls in ringlets to the middle of her back. She has a heart-shaped face and thick and curly Targaryen silver-gold hair that she wore long. She has full lips, a husky voice, and round, ripe breasts with huge pink nipples that resemble rose petals. It is known that she enjoys teasing her nephew, Aemon Targaryen, more than any other living soul. Viserra is renowned as a beauty and seductress. Secretly Viserra was a great reader, even at an early age, and spoke many languages, more than High Valyrian and Common Tongue, mostly out of anger that she did not understand every language her nephew, Prince Aemon, spoke and disliked that he could keep secrets from her when he spoke them plainly in a different tongue in her presence and she maintained a large library but rather than read books of wisdom, economics, politics, war or other topics that interest more lords and ladies, she rather histories of Old Valyria, like her nephew King Viserys, for she takes great pride in her Valyrian blood. Easily a contender for the most emotionally manipulative of her sisters, she used her beauty as a weapon to bring any before her to their knees before using them for her means. She is known to have said the only times she has ever regretted using such tactics is regarding her nephew Aemon, even more so after the Scandal of the Dragoncaves. Her pride is truly her most well-known trait, for it is said, behind closed doors, that she has more vanity than all Lannisters to have been, who are, and ever will be. When asked of her sister Viserra, Princess Saera replied, "Nothing is more dangerous for a man than a beautiful woman who is unimpressed. And men rule this world, and Viserra is impossible to impress when the name of the man in question is not Aemon Targaryen. My advice to all those with a cock between their legs, in her hand lay the heart you gave her, and she would not let go until it scars."

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