Chapter 22

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An interesting evening indeed.

Harrison stops by some time around ten. Upon seeing your sleeping form on the couch, he smiles. He notices the way your cheeks are a bit swollen. Barry had shown up to his office in a similar state. He didn't miss the slight redness under the scarlet speedster's eyes. It appears you both were able to resolve the conflict. Because there was a lighter weight in Barry's words when he bid his goodbyes. It's fair to assume that you both had a full evening.

Harrison's arms slip under your knees, the other supporting your back as he picks you up and heads to your bedroom. It's clear you're exhausted. He can't really blame you. A lot has transpired in the last 24 hours. As he lays you on the bed and tucks you inside, taking a seat beside you. He brushes his hand along your cheeks. You shift a little, smiling.


It's a sleepy mumble and he holds in a grin.

"How was I so blind before?"

Surely he must have been a complete idiot. With all that you went through he made it his priority to keep your needs at the forefront of his decisions so you could acquire all that you needed to live a long and happy life.

Maybe it made him ignorant to basic wants. You were always looking his way, so it felt normal to see your smile or that beautiful twinkle as you told him stories of how your week was going or what your friends got up to. Maybe he was just guarded as well. He'd lost his wife what felt like mere months ago. It has actually been years. The change in timelines and adjustment to universes was confusing. But he knew what it was like to lose someone cherished. So did you. You both have led very challenging lives that somehow led you to each other. If that wasn't fate, he wasn't sure what was.

"I promise..I'll cherish you.

His hand was still soaking in the warmth that emitted from your skin. When you squinted slightly, he found himself pulling back.


You yawn, slowly sitting up.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

You shook your head.

"I-It's okay I was already awake."

That was clearly not the case. He enjoyed seeing this cute side of you.

"Did you have a good conversation with Barry?"

You nod.

"I did."

"That's good. I'm glad."

You're still wearing a smile, but you're now shifting in the bed and he's inclined to ask why.

"Something on your mind?"

There's a lot on your mind.

"I was just thinking. If you want could stay.."

The invitation is a bit of a surprise, you can tell by his expression. That slowly changes and when he slides his glasses off, you begin to contemplate if it was truly a good idea to tempt this man.

"What exactly would I be doing if I were to stay?"

"Well we could have another movie night."

"The last one resulted in me attacking you. I'm not sure that is the best option. Unless.."

All you do is blink and you're pinned to the bed. You stare up in shock.

"Is that what you were hoping for?"

You can't deny it. But you're not going to admit it either. Harrison leans over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Your eyes close and you desperately await it. His touch. You crave it. His head turns, and now you're both face to face. You can feel his breath so close. If you lean just an inch you can close the space.

Harrison smirks.

"I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)."

Your eyes shoot open, all you catch is a wink and he's gone in a burst of green glowing particles.

You just gape.

He did that on purpose. 

Timeless Wells (Flash) - SpeedsterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant