𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ♡

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I run.  I run as fast as I can and I don't even know how it's possible.  Who even enjoys running? 

My calves burn and I suddenly wish that I did enjoy running.  Where does poetry get me?  Surely not biceps in my legs.  Not that I know you even get biceps in your legs.  That seems totally wrong.  I can't stop to gasp for air because I know he's chasing after me,  and gaining speed quickly at that.

Oh god,  he has chains.  What crazy person has chains?!

He's crazy,  that would be the only logical answer.  He's crazy, he's crazy, he's crazy.

I continue running,  my chest heaves and I'm sure I'm getting tired.  But I'm getting closer to something?  What is that?  Shit.

It's a lake. 

I can't swim. 

He catches up to me before I can slip away again.  He grabs my waist and forces me down,  literally.  His bodyweight crashes over mine causing me to gasp. 

"Why'd you slow down, moy svet?"  He whispers against the back of my neck.  "We were just getting started." 

I decide to remain silent considering he's quite literally shoving my face into the grass and then I realize there's something very hard pressing against my ass.  "Why did you come, Alicia?  Not safe for someone like you?" 

I really want to ask what he means by "someone like you" but I can't open my mouth.  I can't. 

"Interesting.  Being quiet,  how unlike you.  Maybe for being such a good girl,  I'll lessen your punishment.... a little."  I can practically see his grin.  "Now,  let's continue this streak of behaving.  Spread your legs." 

He sets his hands on the backs of my thighs and I've had enough.  "I'd really rather die."

"That can be arranged."  He growls back and shoves my head down,  my nose inches from the water and I freeze.  How he does he know?

He lifts off of me for a moment just to flip me onto my back,  he doesn't seem to care when my head hits the compacted dirt hard and I realize this is my chance.  I lift my knee just high enough to slam it into his groin.  He falters and I slip out of his hold and run in the opposite direction.  He groans.  Good riddance. 

I hear him run after me and I run,  faster.  Through the trees quickly.  He grabs at my wrist and pulls me back,  slamming me up against a tree and he presses his chest up against me.  I feel every curve of him and I hate how badly it makes me want to reach out and feel him. 

"Are you insane?"  I manage to choke out. 

The corners of his lips lift before he dips his head and brushes his mouth against my neck,  causing me to tilt my head back instinctively.   "Maybe.  But it would only be because of you, moy svet.  My insanity,  my reason,  my saving grace." 

I-  what?

I shake my head quickly.  "Don't do that.  Don't say that.  You don't even know me." 

"I know more than you think."  

The lake. 

"You're a psychopath."  I hiss at him,  trying to push him off of me.  "No.  You're worse than that.  You're a fucking sociopath."  And I'm practically sure he was the one who did it,  but no,  it was me.  I do something unexpected,  I raise my chin up and crash my lips against his.

He groans and moves his hands to cup my face,  he kisses exactly like I'd expected-not that I'd thought about it much.  Fast and demanding.  His tongue pushes against my lips,  demanding entrance.  And since I'm on my insanity high I part my lips willingly.  He groans when his tongue meets mine,  he tangles his tongue with my mine and he tilts my head up to offer more exposure to my mouth.  He pulls back to sink his teeth into my bottom lip and I whine.  His tongue delves back into my mouth and I bite it.  Hard.  Copper floods my tongue and he pulls back and runs his tongue along my cheek.  

"Wanted my blood on you, sweetheart?" 

My cheeks flame.  "Something like that." 

His hands fall back to my thighs and he picks them up,  hoisting me up so I have to wrap my legs around his waist to prevent from falling.  His hand brushes up my thigh,  tugging on the hem of my light yellow dress.  "Who wears a dress to an initiation?"  He mumbles. 

"Someone who didn't plan on being there."  

He hums in approval.  "Good.  Easier access."  I open my mouth to argue but quickly shut up when his finger tips brush against my inner thigh and he presses his palm flat against my panties that aren't too dry.  "For someone who didn't want this you're soaked,  sweetheart."  And I can't argue I just glare at him.  Which also goes away when he tugs my embarrassedly wet panties to the side and presses his thumb to my clit.  I gasp in response. 

Intrusively,  he shoves a finger into me but he pauses.  "You haven't..?" 

My cheeks warm again and I shake my head,  slightly confused at his own confusion but he doesn't stall any longer and his lips meet mine to swallow my moan when he pumps his finger in,  and as quickly as the first came,  a second joins.  I clench around him involuntarily and I can't help but move my hips to meet his hand's thrusts. 

His thumb circles my clit and I whimper against his lips. 

"I- Vaughn."  I gasp out. 

He pauses.  "Yes?"  And I nearly growl when his hand slows too.  I don't say anything,  I just buck my hips against his hand and let out a frustrated huff. 

"Oh, do you need to come?  I'm pretty sure that would've been a reward and that's not at all what this is."  He dips his head and pulls his hand back,  painfully slowly he sucks his fingers and I clench my thighs together. 

"Now,  I suggest you get into my car and don't run into the woods again, yes?" 

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