Chapter 21

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Hope finds the bathroom at the end of the hallway and starts a bath. As she waits for the tub to fill with water, she gazes at her reflection in the mirror over the sink. Running her fingers over her neck, she remembers the encounter the night before with the demons and her near death experience. Out of every situation her job has put her in, last night was the most terrifying moment of her life and it would have all ended for her if it were not Kenzy. The last five years have been a rollercoaster of emotions. She was once a college cheerleader who had her whole life planned out. She was going to become a world-renowned chef, marry Henry Cavill, and live in a beachfront mansion in Malibu and now she is held up in some rickety old house in Nebraska with a bunch of zombie hunters awaiting instructions for their next hunt. She cannot even remember the last time she put on mascara. She shakes her head and tries to rid her mind of what could have been.

"Where are you, Kenzy?" She mumbles.

She strips off her clothes and steps into the claw-foot bathtub, sinking into the warm water. The room is quiet except for the sound of her hands moving through the water. It is peaceful and at the same time, uncomfortable. How can she be laying here relaxing knowing Kenzy is out there alone, probably fighting for her life... if she is even alive.

Immediately shaking the negative thoughts from her mind, Hope reminds herself of how strong Kenzy is. She is a fighter who has been on her own for years. She can handle anything that comes her way and Theresa will find her because she must. It is her job to keep Kenzy safe.

The next morning Rob, Hope, Max and Trojan are all rested and meet Harry in the kitchen. They sit around the table to find out what information he got from his friend in Carlsbad.

"Sleep well?" Harry asks the team.

"Yes, thank you." Rob answers.

"Hey, no problem. Well, I called my buddy and he got ahold of the demon hunter. They've had a rise in demon numbers too. He said they have been tracking several demonic omens across the country and I told him about what's going on here. Basically, demons have to possess humans so that could possibly explain the disappearances."

"If it's demons..." Max adds.

"Yeah, if being the keyword there but if it is demons, why are they possessing people and where are they going?" Trojan asks.

"We have no idea. We just found out demons were more than a myth last night." Rob replies and then he remembers Theresa stabbing Aerico. "Wait, if demons are possessing humans, does that mean if you kill the demon you kill the person they're possessing?"

"I didn't know you could kill a demon but I would imagine so." Harry answers with uncertainty.

"Yeah, the hunter that saved us had a special blade that can kill demons."

"Damn. That sounds like something we need... whether it kills the human or not, we're no match for demons."

There's a brief silence in the room before Harry continues. "Well the hunter told me he would send other demon hunters out to look into the abandoned neighborhoods and let me know what he finds so for now, we are going to do what we are trained to do and that's kill every zombie we see."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm ready to get out there." Trojan says in an eager tone.

Harry chuckles "Well, you're in luck because I just got an email from the hunters' network. They need help in Stanton and it's only two hours north of here. I say we load up and head out soon."

Even though Rob is the leader in his team, he has an immense amount of respect for Harry. His determination and cunning hunting skills make him one of the toughest hunters to walk the planet. Harry taught him everything he knows. Rob's respect for Harry brings about an obedience in Rob which makes the rest of the team respect Harry even more.

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