The Issue Of Zilla

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There was news of a new mutant around New York City. Roaming the streets with Superfly and his gang which included Ray fillet, Mondo Gecko, Bebop and rocksteady, Ghengis Frog, Wingnut, and Leatherhead. They were trying to complete the machine and ended up breaking the barrier of Godzilla Island and Godzilla making his way to New York City with those tall buildings, lights, crime, and of course other mutants. Godzilla was not made from the same ooze the turtles and Superfly and his gang were made from. Godzilla was created from the restless souls of the dead from World War II. Which may be even worse than some green ooze. The turtles have no idea what they are getting their selves into with Superfly and Godzilla. This may even be impossible for the turtles. April has been doing some research on this Godzilla creature and has found many files and photos of this thing, maybe it's fighting a big gorilla or a sea animal, but either way it still looks deadly and huge compared to any turtle no matter how tall they are. The turtles have no idea how to defeat such a thing, especially when Splinter doesn't even trust them in human world, just imagine what his reaction would be to them fighting a fly and a creature made from souls. The turtles have been sneaking out and spying on Superfly but have not seen Godzilla just yet but their main goal is Superfly because you know what they say.. Work on the smaller pieces of pizza and eat up to the big ones.... yeah not sure that fit the setting with pizza sauce looking like blood but atleast there's extra pepperoni!

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