Chapter 10

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10 years later

"They call her the Witch of Dragonstone," the woman muttered softly. She was lying on her lover's chest and drawing on his skin with her finger.

"Hmmm," he hummed as he stared at the ceiling. The room was dark; he had grown to love the dark. She sighed and glanced up even though she couldn't see him. "By all means, tell me," he grumbled when he felt her movement.

Her long dark hair tickled his skin as she adjusted herself back to a comfortable position. Even though he couldn't see her, he knew that her green eyes would be bright like they always were when she began to tell a story.

"No one has ever seen her face. They have rarely seen her. Apparently, there is a designated spot where she receives her letters and another where she leaves whatever it is that she uses. She kills people. It's giving witches a bad name."

"What type of people does she kill?" He was already bored with this conversation. His entire spine had stiffened at the mention of Dragonstone, but she had paid it no mind.

"Abusers, rapists, thugs...." He could hear the pout that he couldn't see.

"So she's doing Dragonstone a favor. How does she kill them?"

He could feel her shrug against his torso. "No one knows but the people she helps, and they are keeping silent about it."

"And only a few people know what she looks like?"

She looked up in the darkness at where she knew his face would be. "That's what's creepy about this entire thing. No one knows what she looks like. She wears a black cloak to hide her hair, and she wears an animal skull mask that covers her entire face. Apparently, it's an eerie white color along with the horns." He frowned. It did sound slightly terrifying. Why would she hide her identity in such a way? "She has a bodyguard or something of the like with her. He wears a mask similar to hers, but it's painted black. And he's led around on a chained leash by her. He does all of the talking for her."

"Does he wear a cloak too?" He couldn't hide the smirk in his voice. She sighed and moved off of him.

"You're not taking this seriously."

"It sounds like a children's fairytale, Alys." He sat up quickly and lit the candle by his bedside. Dull light filled the room enough for him to walk over to the fireplace and start a fire.

"It's not, Aemond." Alys pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. Aemond sighed and ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair. The silver blond locks had been taken down from how he normally kept it pulled back, and it was beginning to drive him crazy. He turned and looked at Alys.

They were both completely naked, and he didn't want to argue with no clothes on. With a sigh, he walked over to her. She didn't hide the fact that she was staring at his cock, and Aemond smirked before wrapping his arms around her. He wrapped his hand in her black hair and tugged so she had to look up at him.

"Get dressed and go home, Alys. Before the palace is awake." Aemond kissed her quickly before moving away from her. "You're the witch of Harrenhall. Do not worry about what happens on Dragonstone."

Alys dressed quickly and left without another word spoken. Aemond let out the breath he wasn't aware he was holding and laid back on the bed. Ten years. It had been ten years since he had allowed himself to think about Dragonstone and the people that resided there. This wasn't the first time that Alys had mentioned this mythical witch, but he hoped it would be the last. He had a party to plan and revenge to get.

Aemond walked into the dining hall a few hours later to break his fast with his family. Viserys was never there; his health had grown worse over the past decade, and he was practically bedbound. Alicent sat in the middle of the table; Otto sat to her right. Helaena and Aegon sat on the opposite side of the table, and Aemond pressed a quick kiss to Helaena's head before sitting down beside her.

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