Chapter 11

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Lucela found her family in the dining hall a few hours later. Joffrey smiled at his older sister and waved at her before sneaking some food into his mouth. Like Lucela, Joffrey had softer Targaryen features, but he had the Strong hair and eyes. At twelve years old, he was already bigger than Luke had been at that age, and everyone wondered if he would be the biggest of all. His curly hair fell in a mop over his eyes, and he constantly had to move it out of the way. Joffrey had told Lucela that he wanted it long like Jace's because he worshiped their oldest brother. Lucela took her seat next to Luke and looked over to Rhaenyra.

"I'm flying over tomorrow. I'm not sailing."

"If she flies, we fly," Jace said as he smacked Luke's chest. Rhaenyra looked at her three eldest children and smirked.

"Whatever you want to do. Just be safe about it."

Lucela smiled and began to eat her food. They all ate in relative silence until Joffrey spoke a few moments later.

"I heard the witch struck again last night." Lucela froze with her fork partially to her mouth. "On the darkest night of the month, like she always does."

"Joff," Rhaenyra said in warning. She didn't like talking about the fabled Witch of Dragonstone. She had sent her guards out patrolling every night when the sky was dark, and they always failed to find her. Rhaenyra, even though she didn't want to admit it, thought what the witch was doing was admirable.

Lucela caught Ser Greyson's eye by the doorway. His face gave nothing away, but she didn't miss the slight sparkle in his eyes even from a distance. She fought her own grin as she began to eat her food again. Luke caught the exchange and frowned. What was that about?


The family was gathered in the courtyard outside. Rhaenyra stood with her youngest children, Ser Greyson, Margery, her own lady in waiting Elinda, and the children's nanny. Daemon held his youngest son, Viserys, close to him before he left to mount Caraxes. Rhaenyra was holding Aegon's hand and keeping him close to her. Lucela was holding her youngest sibling, and only sister, Visenya.

They were all nervous except for the three young children that had no idea what was going on. Daemon had agreed to fly with their three eldest children; he thought four dragons with riders flying in would make a better statement. Syrax would be flying as well, along with Joffrey's dragon, Tyraxes.

Caraxes, Arrax, and Vermax landed in various places on the courtyard. Syrax and Tyraxes were flying overhead. Lucela hadn't called her own dragon yet, and she wouldn't until her family had flown a safe distance away. She knew that he wouldn't harm her family, but they were uncomfortable around him. He had a reputation.

Rhaenyra took the children and the other various members and began to walk to the docks. Daemon, Jace, and Luke mounted their dragons and took off. Lucela watched until she deemed then a decent distance away before she called for her dragon down the bond. She didn't have to wait for long before she felt the ground shake as he landed. Her dragon, despite his size, was silent as he flew. She turned and smiled.

Bright green eyes stared back at her against the darkest black scales. Cannibal was the largest wild dragon there was in Dragonstone, and his size rivaled Vermithor's. Rhaenyra almost died on the spot when she saw her daughter on his back. Cannibal was known to burn any that tried to mount him alive, but Lucela had survived. Sensing her nervousness, Cannibal let out a roar as Lucela approached him.

"Lykiri, Cannibal," Lucela spoke softly as she held her hand out. Cannibal let out a huff of smoke as he leaned down so Lucela could mount him. "Sōvēs."

The Mouth of the Dragon, The Eyes of the Lambحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن