End it forever

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Sam pov:
I wanted to eat today but I couldn't I just couldn't I felt sick but I can't tell Colby that I just can't he'll worry and I don't want that but I was inside my room always listening to Sam music one I kept replaying was

Race  by Alex G
Now your walking on hot coals now you fuck,cause your a joke,yeah,you are a hoax and now i found you out
Cause you think the brains in your head are worth breathing this smoke and itchy throats and being happy and I could be your man all day and you could look inside my brain all day and see this one thing but then it disappears like smoke and you're alone
I forget how to play the game everyone wants to come along I don't know where you are

Your starting to look really weird,oh Yeah your face it's out of place and I cant make you out and I forget what you said, yeah  its not clear it was about fear and getting out of here
But you're okay with me

Tear it down
It's not right
Tear it down
It's not right

Its replaying and replaying I can't get it out of my head it's so real,I can't do this anymore it hurts more than you could ever know,it hurts I just want to end it for good,but I can't,but I will ,I can't keep living like this all my friends say im useless and everything like that and so do the fans I don't know what to do anymore I want to end it my family hates me and always did
I'ma mistake,Ima mistake,I'ma mistake
I can't do this anymore it hurts I can't get rid of the pain that bares deep inside me I need help but...I can't I want to end it all, though I am home alone right now maybe just one this cut won't hurt right? Right? Right? It won't hurt
So I grab my razor and cut till I can't see my skin anymore it's just all bloody I clean up and put a sweatshirt on and hide my wrists until I hear a CRASH  from downstairs, I should check it out right? So I go downstairs and check it out I see a vase on the ground broken shattered forever gone just gone who did it tho is someone in the house? But honestly I don't care I don't even want to live anymore I don't dessert this do I? End it forever so I will I need to die I don't feel like I should be here it's not like I ever did feel like that unless Colby was here but he left the traphouse for about a month on that trip with Elton to Japan or something like that and Jake and Corey are gone staying at there girlfriends places and they won't be back for a week so I'll be alone,alone forever it's not like they cared right? I'll end it will i soon and I think anything else I hear another crash I turn around and see a tall black figure it...it has a knife?is it finally time for me to go...I've been waiting for this.

Soon as anything i'm plunged with a knife in my stomach blood drips out my mouth and stomach,I can't feel...I can't feel myself am I dead yet? Fuck..it hurts...so...so much I can't bare the pain,I groan I fall back wards onto the floor hitting the back of my head on the cold marbled counter, the figure grabbed me dragged me out side I could feel the sun glisten my skin I felt my phone slip out of my pocket and Colby's phone being dialed by this figure I couldn't even see who it was...I groan in pain as I try to move the figure it's saying something on the phone and all I hear it say

If you ever wanna see your friend again Brock you better come home maybe you'll find him....

Hang up
I felt a grip on the knife that was in my stomach I let out a blood curdling scream...all I could think of is...torcher...torcher...cant breathe it hurts i feel myself being tied up i font know where but it was on a tree? I think I don't know but the tree was the last thing I saw until I passed out.

Colby pov:
I got a call it was from Sam while we were petting otters in Japan I was with Brennan and Elton on this trip and I got a call but I usually never got calls from Sam unless it was an emergency

I heard a voice it defi wasn't Sam's.. it said

You planing on coming back Brock I got your little friends here

I hear Sam groan and scream

Oh Yeah he might not live as long he has a knife kinda stuck in his stomach but good luck losing your best friend..was it? Aah yes Best friend he's not doing so well he might even be gone by the time you get here and if you call the police I will kill you....

You better hurry up Brock..

I could feel my heart beating so fast in my chest.. I couldn't breathe..I fell to my knees  holding the phone I had to get home quick I got in the car with Brennan and Elton trailing behind me getting in the car as well I told them obviously what was going on they looked horrified and so was I.

We got home soon as me and Elton could not even dropping off Brennan he just came with us. We looked all over the house then the front yard he was there bloody tied to a tree his blood spread on the concrete and tree  tied up with rope I rushed over to him I quickly untied him acknowledging that he was fully unconscious. Soon as I untied the rope from his body took out the gag that was in his mouth I picked him up bridal style and brought him inside telling Elton or Brennan to call the ambulance and the police

"It's gonna be okay Sammy just stay with me...please wake up for me don't be dead" I said holding his stomach to stop the bleeding from him being plunged with a knife held up his head as well.

The ambulance got here as fast as they could they took Sammy away from me I was most definitely crying tears streaming down my face,it hurt seeing Sammy like this

"Damnit I knew I shouldn't have left Sammy here all alone since Corey and Jake were gonna be gone damnit, why didn't we bring him we should have bring him,Fucking damnit!" I basically yelled the last part through tears,tears of pain seeing him like this.

About three days of Sam being in the hospital

Today I came in to see Sammy of course I wanted to see him I haven't for the last I don't know 3 weeks or something like that. I when in his hospital seeing him awake but cuddled up "hey Sammy" I called "hey.." he whispered I go over to him running my fingers through his hair he definitely leaned into the touch.

I hope Sam gets better in theses days....

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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