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The whole world against my throat
Would you give away too
I will keep loving you till
The storm clouds clear up
And the sky turns blue.

Your presence just like a pretty rose
Your thorns so sharp
against my throat.
I will let you hurt me
As I wait for spring in a desert.

If somebody hurts you
I will be your shield
Shield you from all the pain
And wrap u in petals of daffodils
And keep you from all the evil.

If they miss and hurt your petals
I will shield you with my flesh
When all torn apart
I will paint your petals
In a hue of elegance.

Don't push me away
I will hug you till
I can't no more
Keep doing so
Till I breathe so forth.

Darkness it doesn't scare me
I will sell my soul
To have you .
I will kill for you
And will be killed too.

Use me as much as you want
I won't let you go
Till all I can be is ash
Use it to colour my name
And use it to paint my name
in your heart.


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