1. Meet

12 0 7

James POV-

"Prongs," Sirius calls from the other room, "can you talk to Regulus for me?"

"Regulus, as in your little brother?" I ask, "Why?"

"He hasn't talked to me at all since I left", Sirius states extremely sadly. "I don't know what I was supposed to do, i couldn't just keep living in that hellhouse! I invited regulus to come with me, I tried so hard to convince him, but he wouldn't budge."

"Ok, fine." I replied and his eyes started gleaming. "Just don't let him know I put you up to this" Sirius replies in a hurry as he grabs his bag, he's late for herbology.


As for me, I had charms. I was walking slowly when I heard a voice behind me say, "Oi, POTTER, get out of the way". I looked back and saw Regulus Black. "Get out of the way I said, I've gotta get to potions." He says.

"Just the person I was looking for!", I reply with my classic charming smile.

"Why?" He retorts, almost laughing

This is the first time I've noticed, he's so beautiful. With his black curls falling perfectly onto his face, his soft, pink, very kissable looking lips. His emerald-green eyes, with those golden speks.

"Why are you staring?" He asks. I instantly look away.

... there's an awkward silence

"Well, I actually wanted to talk to you, is that too surprising?" I respond.

"I don't want to talk to you, so piss off, I've got to get to potions." "Why not!? Slughorn'll understand, you're his favourite student after all."

"And I'd like to keep it that way," he says as he's shoving past me down to the dungeons.

"Reggie!" I call after him.

He turns around with a look of disgust on his face, "What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?" He states.

"Reg, Reggie, Regulus, what would you prefer?"
"None, as I'm never going to talk to you anyway"

"Reggie it is" I say.

"Call me that next time and you won't be able to say your own name let alone mine" he threatens. I can't help but think that he looks so cute when he's angry.

"So that means that there will be a next time?" I ask hopefully.

Instead of replying he fucking hexes me.

"Stupefy" he states. Luckily I'm able to get out of the way in time.

"Expeliarmus" I counter.

"What is going on here?" Says Mcgonagall's swift voice which makes up both look in her direction.

"I- he- we were-" Regulus begins but Mcgonagall cuts him off, "Detention, both of you, 8:00 pm sharp. You will report to my office and I'll take you both there." Before we can say anything, she leaves.

"Great" regulus replies angrily. "I'm stuck with you at detention for two hours"

At charms

"Today we will be learning the extinguishing charm Nox." Professor Flitwik says in his shrill voice. "We have already learnt Lumos earlier this year so now we are learning the opposite."

The wand movement is just a straight line in the downward direction. I master in a matter of minutes (I'm the best in year five).

Once I finished my work, I asked Flitwick and left early.

Let's hang out || Jegulus Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora