Part 2. Chapter 2 The Empire Attack

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5 AU from Bastion
Star Destroyer Chimaera Bridge.

Grand Admiral Palleon, along with Grand Moff Serreti and Moff Hort, appear to be at the bridge's front, near the main viewport. Grand Moff Serreti and Moff Hort were with Grand Admiral Palleon because their ships were used in the evacuation operation from Bastion.

"Grand Admiral, the 'Silent Dart' operation ships have departed," a communications officer told Grand Admiral Palleon.

"May the force be with them," Grand Admiral Palleon said.

The XO of the 'Chimaera' ran up to Grand Admiral Palleon.

"Grand Admiral, probe droids show that the planet Ilum is beginning to absorb its primary star. Currently, the primary star is dimming," said the XO.

"It has already begun. What about the evacuation process at the Bastion?" Grand Moff Serreti asked one of his staff members on the 'Chimaera'.

"Still in progress. But there's no way it will be finished by the time the guns on planet Ilum are ready to fire," said the staffer.

"Where they will fire, whether at us or at the Resistance planet, is still unknown." Grand Moff Serreti said.

"50-50 chance. Not enough." Palleon said.

"Right, after this, we are in a state of war. We can't ignore actions like this." Serreti said.

"We have activated all our warships. This includes large ships. The super star destroyer we have is actually almost ready for battle," said Moff Hort.

"We will send it as soon as it is ready. I've ordered a general alert to all sectors, they will send several ships to fight against the First Order. We will determine the location where all of the ships will congregate. However, it will be close to our border with the unknown region." Palleon said.

"We must attack them as soon as we are ready. We cannot afford to let the galaxy fall into their hands." Serreti said.

"Especially with the New Republic in its current state, if they wanted to, they could easily take over the New Republic." Hort said.

"Right, don't let that happen. Don't let them be able to control the resources owned by the New Republic." Palleon said.

"Right, if that happens, then there is no way we can defeat them. With the little resources they have now, they can make such a big super weapon. We still do not know how powerful and conventional their weapons are," said Serreti.

"Right, the intelligence indicates that they have several dreadnought-class ships, similar to our super-star destroyer." Pelleon said.

"Right, and in dealing with them, we cannot expect help from the New Republic. It is also difficult for us to ask for help from the general public outside of our region because of the Galactic Empire's past reputation." Serreti said it with a grumble.

"If we cooperate with the Resistance, then we can overcome these weaknesses," said Hort.

"It's not easy working with General Leia. She is very anti-Galactic Empire," said Palleon.

"But none of us have ever worked with Grand Moff Tarkin or Darth Vader." Serreti said.

"Hopefully, we can at least make contact with the Resistance. They are one of the hopes of this galaxy." Palleon said.

The two dignitaries of the Galactic Remnant nodded.

"Frankly, we don't have any intelligence reports from the Resistance regarding their attitude after the destruction of the leadership of the New Republic," said Hort.

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