Chapter 5: Inside the mind part two

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Inside Skulduggery's head P.O.V:

She's a bit quiet... I wonder why.

Because I'm you maybe?

Ah that's it. I almost forgot.

Yeah right...

So. What are you guys going to do now that she knows and the whole point of this is to find out who the mysterious Lord Vile is? Do you think she'll rat you out?

I don't know... And she wouldn't do that, she's not like that.

She doesn't have a phyco personality like you though does she? How would you know?


Ahh. You don't know do you? You don't know if you can trust her with this. I understand of course-

Oh yes you understand perfectly

-yes I do. And I also understand that she cannot be trusted.

What are you suggesting?


Tell me.


I said, tell me.

... You won't like it.

Won't like what?


Won't like what?

... What I'm planning.

And what is that if I might ask?

You may not ask. Oh no. This is a surprise my good man. Or should I say skeleton?

I hate surprises. Why can't I just know now and get it over with?

Because my friend. Because. It all takes time. Time is all I need...

Skulduggery Pleasant VS Lord VileWhere stories live. Discover now