Chapter 1: Visions part one

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Skulduggery Pleasant has always had secrets, Valkyrie had learnt that when she had found the locked room in his house when she had gotten really bored of his ego and started to explore. She had found the locked room at the back of the house upstairs, and had asked Skulduggery what was in there and why it was locked. But Valkyrie being Valkyrie, she had annoyed him before she had gone off to explore.

"Hey Skulduggery. I found a room at the back of your house and it's locked. Why?"

He looked up from his newspaper sharply, "Because it is, now go be annoying somewhere else." He replied with that smooth velvety voice of his.

"Right. First of all it's not my fault that you suck at being better than me and second, open it pretty not please with a non existent bloody cherry on top."








"Damn you Skulduggery. Just open the damn thing."

"Guess what?"

"Uuuuum. No?"


"You suck." She sulked and crossed her arms.

"Really? Your going to sulk because I won't open a door?"


"Ok then." He said, and went back to reading the newspaper.

Just then, Valkyrie's phone began to ring. It was Ghastly. When she answered, she put it on loud speaker so that she could go back to sulking.

"Sanctuary. Now. The Sensitives keep on having visions. I'll tell you more when you get here."

And with that, he just hung up. Skulduggery got up, folded his newspaper and walked to the door.

"Right then, let's go."

She followed, "What do you think the visions are about?"

"I don't know but I guess we'll find out."

They got in the car and buckled their seatbelts. As they were driving, Valkyrie still wouldn't leave the door alone.

"What's behind the door?"

He tilted his head, "You do know the whole purpose of a locked door is to keep people like you out?"

"How offensive. Soooo, you're not saying anything?"



A moment of silence.

"I'm not saying anything."


"Because I just don't want to. Now please be quiet, I'm driving."


She didn't talk after that.

"I thought you weren't going to be quiet." He said.

"Shut up." She snapped.

When the drive was over, they had followed the administrator into where Ghastly, Ravel and Mist were sat at the long table in that one room that Valkyrie could never remember the name of. Once they had sat at the table, Ghastly spoke.

"Sorry for the lack of information on the phone, we just really needed you here."

"No problem. But we would like the information now." Valkyrie said.

"Ignore her, she's just grumpy because I won't open a door." Skulduggery said.

"Seriously Val..." Ghastly replied, "Anyway. The Sensitives have been having multiple visions about a new threat. Lord Vile in fact."

Skulduggery froze, "How? He's gone, Sensitives shouldn't be able to have visions about him." Skulduggery thought.

Ghastly continued, "As you know, Lord Vile was and will be a massive threat and we need you, to stop him."

"Have the Sensitives seen any signs of when this will take place?" Valkyrie asked.

"No. But they have seen something that could help you find out who's underneath that armour, so we need you to use your weird detective skills to try and figure it out so that we can try to stop him." Ravel replied.

"Ok then, Skulduggery let's go talk to some Sensitives."

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