chapter 2/ flashback

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' 3 years back at south korea ,Busan'  'at road'

Rora:- ( waiting for the signal to move the car)

Little girl: -( pats her standing outside)excuse me...unnie..!

Rora:-yes...?( saying sweetly)

Little girl :- here...( Gives a single tulip ' flower' handing on her )

Rora:- thank u...very much dear...but can I ask u...why..? did u gave me...?

Little girl :- no's not me...

Rora:-than...? Who...?

Little girl :- ( point towards at guy standing at side of road who was looking at her) that brother...(Left the spot)

Rora:- brother..?( Turning head on him) (!!!!) What....! ( With annoyed and shocking expression)

Eun oh :- ( raises his hand doing a slight wave) hiii... doctor...( With smiling expression)

Rora:- really..? ( Sighed being annoyed   by  throwing the flower outside and left  driving the car) crazy nut....!

So intro , Lee Rora, age - 24 , profession - surgeon , family back ground - not defined still , sweet and mature in nature...sometimes with other nature too,say life with several dark sides

Eun oh :-  ( chuckles) don't time you'll get bouquet of tulips.....( Left the place )

Here again , park Eun oh..age - ??? , no profession or may's there but..???? Nerdy in nature and plus with hidden side of other with various mysteries

May be confused  with this scene why this two person are behaving in this way...than let's go to flashback-

(At hospital ,Rora's cabin)

Nurse:- ( enters) uuh...Dr Lee...

Rora:- hmm.. what...

Nurse:- there's one patient...who's for check's the detail ( by giving file)

Rora:- ( takes the file ) male or female..?

Nurse :- it's male patient Doctor

Rora:- fine...than. Send him....( Haves glance on file)

Nurse :- sure Doctor..( goes out of cabin)

Rora:- hmm...( Looking over file)

( Later - sec)

Eun oh :- ( enters) excuse me...

Rora:- please have ur sea..-

At this moment both of them were looking at each other eyes which was really making everything in slow-motion but it got stopped with question

Eun oh:- u okay...?

Rora:- ( gets on sense) yes..?

Eun oh :- ( haves his seat by giving a slight smile) why are u looking at this way...? Is there something weird on my face...?

True Eun oh was also haved a look towards her but Rora didn't notice that we'll because she was already lost on his deep brown eyes

Rora:- ( in mind- hey...Lee Rora...what's going on with u...are u  getting crazy..?)

Eun ho:- doctor.....?( does a snap with fingure)

Rora:- haaa ( Finally gets outside from own world ) yes u're not crazy...yes...Rora ( mumbles with ownself)

Eun oh :- ( looks at her intendly)

Rora:- so ...Park Eun oh right..?

Eun oh :- (nods with saying) yes doctor...

Rora:- ( with confusion)  but why ur age..-

Eun oh:- ( does interrupts) you look gorgeous...Dr Lee Rora..

Rora:- ??? How u name...?

Eun oh :- it's written at ur name plate...

Rora :- u're having...

Eun oh :- ( does interrupts again saying) I've got an illness...Dr Lee...and do u know what's that..?

Rora:- pneumonia...?

Eun oh:- no.....! u are  wrong..

Rora:- but it's written here at report..

Eun oh :- it's another...

Rora :- another...? And what's that...? ( Low tone)

Eun oh:- falling in love with u...

Rora:- what......! What the heck are u saying.....have u gone nut...?

Eun oh :- no I'm's an illness...for only one person can cure me with that..

Rora:- ( looks at her)

Eun oh:- and that

Rora:- really...? ( With annoyed expression)

Eun oh :- umm ( nods cutely)

Rora:- I feel like u came at wrong place....u should better go to psychiatrist...

Eun oh :- that's not my place...( glances at flower ful of vase) Btw what's ur favourite flower..?
Rora:- u are really nut...(!!!!!!????)

Eun oh :- rose...?

Rora:-  it has torns...

Eun oh :- than lily...?

Rora:- it's normal...

Eun oh :- what about  tulip...?

Rora:- (stares at him without a blink)

Eun oh :- it means tulip...right...( With smile)

Rora:- ( stands up with anger)

Eun oh:- okay than...( Gets up from the seat)  I'll be back some day with ur favourite flower.... alright....?

Rora:- you....

Eun oh :- bye... Doctor Lee...think about me we'll...okay...( Goes out of cabin)

Rora:- Aishh..........! This Crazy nut....! ( Shouts) ( Throws the file at door )

And the FLASHBACK ends here only...the checkup was with no any  sense ..God knows why he did this to her...Rora was getting filled with annoyance...

And by his word...- Did he really fell for Rora....?or its something else...


(Few days later)

Dr Min:-  ah...Dr Lee someone came to meet u...

Rora:- meet me...? Who...?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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