'As a psychologist'

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"Wang, give me the letter," Inn demanded.

Wang flip-flops the letter, "Is it yours?" His actions indicated his reluctance to let it go.

Inn wasn't in a hurry to retrieve it. Instead, he asked, "Where did you get this?"

Wang leaned against the door, his eyes scanning the empty room. "Does it matter?" he replied.

As he said this, his gaze fixed on Inn, but it lasted only a few seconds.

"Of course," Inn's eyes say.

He realized this within those few seconds, but chose to ignore it.

Ignoring Inn's eyes, Wang explored the room further. He walked inside, noticing the items on the table.

Inn wasn't concerned about this distraction. He began to speak. "You took this letter from the hotel room. You knew I was going to be here. That's why you're here, right?"

There was only silence in response from Wang. He touched a book titled "As a Psychologist".

#Note: I'm not familiar with psychology books, so I just named it as I wanted. But I like it. do you guys?#

"Does your mom know?" Inn pressed.

He received the same silent response from Wang.

Wang continued to ignore Inn as he delved into the book. Everything he said seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Wang opened the book 'As a psychologist' and read the first line, an author's note.

["Is it wrong to have some secrets? There are things I don't want others to know. It's the dark part of my life."

I didn't answer him, only stared at him. Using that, I emphasized that I really needed to understand him.

finally he asked, "Can you promise you won't judge me? You won't hate me?"

I wasn't his relative; we had only met today. But he was worried that I would hate him. He really needed understanding. He wasn't a psycho; he was just a child. 

This was the story of my experience with a 17-year-old psycho killer who had taken three lives. As a human, I listened to him. As a guardian, I protected him. As a friend, I was there for him. But as a psychologist, what I did was documented in this book.]

{Author note: I don't know much about psychology books, so I just named it as I wanted. But I like it. How about you, guys?}

"Have you read this type of book?" he asked.

Inn turned and faced the wall. His breaths were heavy, indicating his anger. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

Turning back to face Wang, he asked, "What do you hope to gain from this? What are your expectations?"

Wang closed the book and placed it on the table. With a cracked voice and a laugh, he replied, "I didn't expect anything. What can I expect from..."

Inn cut him off. "You didn't expect anything. You want this awkwardness to grow."

With anger, Inn rushed to grab the letter. He got hold of it, but Wang tried to stop him. Their four eyes were fixated on the letter, bringing them closer. With the paper in Inn's hand and Wang's hand above it, their bodies unintentionally embraced. Despite their unwillingness to physically connect, they were drawn closer.

This resulted in a loss of balance, causing Wang to fall onto the sofa. He had already grabbed Inn's hand, causing Inn to fall onto him.

There was a micro-gap between their lips, perhaps just wide enough for a piece of paper to pass through. Both of them wanted to separate, but their bodies and hearts desired otherwise.

Would their desires triumph? Was there any possibility that the paper's distance would close?

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